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(1) Chuck Wrench ........................................................... 1
(2) Side Handle ............................................................... 1
(3) Depth Stopper ........................................................... 1
Standard accessories are subject to change without
OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES (sold separately)
Drill Bit for concrete
O.D. Length Code No.
6.5mm 100mm 931851
8.0 100 931852
9.5 120 931853
10.0 120 931854
12.0 160 971704
13.0 160 931855
14.3 160 931776
16.0 160 971670
18.0 300 950496
Optional accessories are subject to change without
By combined action of ROTATION and IMPACT:
Boring, holes in concrete, marble, granite, tile and
similar materials.
Boring holes in metals, wood and plastics.
1. Power source
Ensure that the power source to be utilized conforms
to the power requirements specified on the product
2. Power switch
Ensure that the power switch is in the OFF position.
If the plug is connected to a receptacle while the
power switch is in the ON position, the power tool
Model VTP-18 VTV-18
Voltage (by areas)* (110V, 115V, 120V, 127V, 220V, 230V, 240V)
Power input 640W*
Speed change 1 2 1 2
No-load speed 1050/min 1800/min 0 – 1050/min 0 – 1800/min
Capacity: Steel 13mm 8mm 13mm 8mm
Concrete 18mm 10mm 18mm 10mm
Weight (w/o cord) 2.3 kg
will start operating immediately, which could cause
serious injury.
3. Extension cord
When the work area is not near a power source.
Use an extension cord of sufficient thickness and
rated capacity. The extension cord should be kept
as short as possible.
4. Fitting the Drill Bit:
Fit the drill bit into the chuck and use the chuck
wrench to secure it, tightening the chuck by each of
the three holes in turn.
5. Selecting the appropriate drill bit:
When boring concrete or stone:
Use the drill bits specified in the Optional
When boring metal or plastic:
Use an ordinary metalworking drill bit.
When boring wood:
Use an ordinary woodworking drill bit. However,
when drilling. 6.5mm or smaller holes, use a
metalworking drill bit.
6. High-speed/Low-speed changeover:
Prior to changing speed, ensure that the switch is in
the OFF position, and the drill has come to a
complete stop. To change speed, depress the shift
lock and slide it in the appropriate direction, as
indicated by the arrow in Fig. 1. The numeral “1”
engraved in the drill body denotes low speed, the
numeral “2” denotes high speed.
7. IMPACT to ROTATION changeover: (Fig. 2)
The Impact Drill can be switched from IMPACT
(impact plus rotation) to ROTATION (rotation only)
by simply turning the change ring.
When boring concrete, stone, tile or similar hard
materials, turn the change ring fully clockwise when
viewed from the drill chuck side. The drill head
impacts against the material while continuing to
When boring metal, wood or plastic, turn the change
ring fully counterclockwise. The drill simply rotates
as an ordinary electric drill.
Do not use the Impact Drill in the IMPACT function
if the material can be bored by rotation only. Such
action will not only reduce drilling efficiency, but
may also damage the drill tip.
When changing over, ensure that the change ring is
turned as far as it will go.
* Be sure to check the nameplate on product as it is subject to change by areas.

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