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1. Keep work area clean. Cluttered areas and benches
invite accidents.
2. Avoid dangerous environment. Don’t expose power
tools and charger to rain. Don’t use power tools
and charger in damp or wet locations. And keep
work area well lit.
Never use power tools and charger near flammable
or explosive materials.
Do not use tool and charger in presence of
flammable liquids or gases.
3. Keep children and infirm persons away. All visitors
should be kept safe distance from work area.
4. Store idle tools and charger. When not in use,
tools and charger should be stored in dry, high
or locked-up place — out of the reach of children
and infirm persons. Store tools and charger in a
place in which the temperature is less than 40°C.
5. Don’t abuse cord. Never carry charger by cord or
yank it to disconnect from receptacle. Keep cord
from heat, oil and sharp edges.
6. When the charger is not in use or when being
maintained and inspected, disconnect the power
cord of the charger from the receptacle.
7. To avoid danger, always use only the specified
8. Use only genuine HITACHI replacement parts.
9. Do not use power tools and charge for applications
other than those specified in the Handling
10. To avoid personal injury, use only the accessories
or attachment recommended in these handling
instructions or in the HITACHI catalog.
11. If the supply cord of this charger is damaged, the
charger must be returned to the HITACHI
authorized service center for the cord to be
Let only the authorized service center do the
repairing. The Manufacture will not be responsible
for any damages or injuries caused by repair by
the unauthorized persons or by mishandling of
the tool.
12. To ensure the designed operational integrity of
power tools and charger, do not remove installed
covers or screws.
13. Always use the charger at the voltage specified
on the nameplate.
14. Always charge the battery before use.
15. Never use a battery other than that specified. Do
not connect a usual dry cell, a rechargeable battery
other than that specified or a car battery to the
power tool.
Charging HITACHI BATTERY EB1414 (1.4 Ah, 12 cells)
Charging time Approx. 1 hour (at 20°C)
Charging voltage 14.4 V
Weight 1.6 kg
16. Do not use a transformer containing a booster.
17. Do not charge the battery from an engine electric
generator or DC power supply.
18. Always charge indoors. Because the charger and
battery heat slightly during charging, charge the
battery in a place not exposed to direct sunlight;
where the humidity is low and the ventilation is
19. Use the exploded assembly drawing on this
handling instructions only for authorized servicing.
1. Always charge the battery at a temperature of 10 –
40°C. A temperature of less than 10°C will result
in over charging which is dangerous. The battery
cannot be charged at a temperature higher than
40°C. The most suitable temperature for charging
is that of 20 25°C.
2. When one charging is completed, leave the charger
for about 15 minutes before the next charging of
Do not charge more than two batteries
3. Do not charge the battery for more than 2 hours.
The battery will be fully charged in about 1 hour
and charging should be stopped when 1 hour has
elapsed from commencement. Disconnect the
charger power cord from the receptacle.
4. Do not allow foreign matter to enter the hole for
connecting the rechargeable battery.
5. Never disassemble the rechargeable battery and
6. Never short-circuit the rechargeable battery. Short-
circuiting the battery will cause a great electric
current and overheat. It results in burn or damage
to the battery.
7. Do not dispose of the battery in fire.
If the battery is burnt, it may explode.
8. Using an exhausted battery will damage the
9. Bring the battery to the shop from which it was
purchased as soon as the post-charging battery
life becomes too short for practical use. Do not
dispose of the exhausted battery.
10. Do not insert object into the air ventilation slots
of the charger.
Inserting metal objects or inflammables into the
charger air ventilation slots will result in electrical
shock hazard or damaged charger.

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