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Container Type Explanation Microwave
Heat resisting glassware
Glass containers with high heat-resisting properties such as
Pyrex and Corning are the most suitable for the microwave oven
Normal glassware
Glass containers that may be broken easily by the sudden
increase of temperature should be used carefully
Table glassware can be used for drinks, fruits, and sweets
Lead crystal is unsuitable
NOTE: Do not use plates or receptacles made of coloured glass
or ones having metallic decorations, since these can be damaged
Heat resisting ceramic
Ceramic ware and glazed earthenware are suitable
Normal ceramic ware
Containers having cracks, scratches or metal brims cannot be
Polypropylene containers
Polypropylene containers can be used if the temperature of the
food does not exceed 100C
Other containers
Melamine, styrol, and urea resin containers absorb the micro
waves and easily become hot or are weak against heat
Metal ware, iron skewers,
wire nets etc
Since the micro waves cannot pass through these items, they
cannot be used for microwave cooking
Metal skewers and aluminium foil may be used partially for some
types of cooking, but they must not touch the walls of the oven
Plastic films
Plastic films that can resist temperature of 120C or higher can be
used if the temperature of the food is not estimated to exceed
Note, however, that plastic film is not suitable for wrapping meat
or foods with a high or fat or sugar content as it may melt when
These containers may burn if they are heated for a long time
Bamboo ware, wooden ware
(They can be used for microwave cooking for a short time)
How to test that a dish can be used in the microwave
First, put the dish on the turntable without food, and place a glass containing approximately 100 cc of water on the
dish. Then select HIGH POWER and heat the water for 15 to 30 seconds. If the dish does not become warm it can
be used in the microwave oven; if it becomes warm it cannot be used

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