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English -3-
Safety Precautions
Please read the following recommended safety pre-
cautions carefully for your s afety.
Do’s and Don’ts
This Television has been designed and manu-
factured to meet international safety standards,
but like any electrical equipment, care must be
taken if you are to obtain the best results and
safety is to be assured.
DO read the operating instructions before you
attempt to use the equipment.
DO consult your dealer if you are in any doubt
about installation, operation or safety of your
DO be careful with glass panels or doors on
This TV is supplied with a fitted mains plug. This
plug must not be cut off as it may contain a spe-
cial radio interference filter, the removal of which
could lead to impaired performance. If you wish
to extend the lead, obtain an appropriate safety
approved extension lead or consult your dealer .
Observe the manufacturer s instr uctions when
connecting extension leads to the TV. Check t he
fuse rating on the new plug, this should be fitted
wi th a 5 Amp f use which conforms to eitherAS TA
or BSI (BS1 362) approvals, these are easily
identifiable by either the
or symbols. If
you are in any doubt about the installation of an
extension lead, please consult a competent
DON’T continue to operate the equipment if you
are in any doubt about it working normally, or if it
is damaged in any way switch off, w ithdraw the
mains plug and consult your dealer.
DON’T place water filled vessels on top of T.V.
cabinet s.
DON’T remove any fixed cover as this may ex-
pose dangerous voltages.
DON’T leave equipment switched on when it is
unattended unless it is specifically stated that it
is designed for unattended operation or has a
stand-by mode. Switch off using the switch on
the equipment and make sure your family know
how to do this. Special arrangement s may need
to be made for infirm or handicapped people.
DON’T use equipment such as personal stereos
or radios so that you are distracted from the re-
quirements of traf fic safety. It is illegal to watch
television whilst driving.
DON’T obstruct th e ventilation of the equipment,
for example with curtains or soft furnishings.
Overheating w ill cause damage and shorten the
life of the equipment.
DON’T use makeshift stands and NEVER fix l egs
or stands to the TV with any screws other than
those provided - to ens ure complete safety al-
ways use t he manufact ure rs approved stand
with the fix ings provided.
DON’T allow electrical equipment to be exposed
to rain or moisture.
NEVER let anyone, especially children push
anything into holes, slots or any o ther open-
ing in the case - this could result in a fatal
electric shock.
NEVER guess or take chances with electrical
equipment of any kind - it is better t o be s afe
than sorry!
round wire.
PE Connection to mains
Be sure to ground the connection properly . Connect the ground terminal of TV w ith the
ground terminal provided at the power outlet using the enclosed power cord. If the
provided plug does not fit your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the
obsolete outlet.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Hitachi L37V01UA

Hitachi L37V01UA Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 43 pagina's

Hitachi L37V01UA Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 43 pagina's

Hitachi L37V01UA Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 43 pagina's

Hitachi L37V01UA Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 42 pagina's

Hitachi L37V01UA Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 43 pagina's

Hitachi L37V01UA Gebruiksaanwijzing - Dansk - 42 pagina's

Hitachi L37V01UA Gebruiksaanwijzing - Svenska - 41 pagina's

Hitachi L37V01UA Gebruiksaanwijzing - Norsk - 41 pagina's

Hitachi L37V01UA Gebruiksaanwijzing - Suomi - 40 pagina's

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