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Once the TV has found all your local stations, they are then automatically
assigned a programme numberand name, if available from the broadcast.
important note before starting Auto Setup
important note.
start A.P.S. (Auto Programming System)
If you have a Video Cassette Recorder or a Satellite receiver connected to your TV please
ensure that they are switched on before automatic tuning begins. In the case of a VCR, insert
a pre-recorded tape and begin playback of your equipment. These measures ensure that all
your external equipment is tuned in during the Auto Setup procedure.
After APS is finalized, the programme table will appear on the screen. In the
programme list you will see the programme numbers and names assigned to
the programmes.
After process is completed, a message asking for
analogue channel search appears on the screen. To continue Auto Program,
first set the language, country and teletext language by using or button and
then press the or button
Automatic Search
For details, please refer to the section of the instruction book.Install Menu
Language English
Country UK
OK Cancel
Teletext Language West
APS is running...
UK - I
155,25 Mhz
First time installation
Choose Country
Set country and continue installation
Do you want to start automatic search?
Yes No
Codec 4:3
Codec 16:9
Searching UHF channels 62. Please wait. This will t ake a few minutes
Cancel searching
Automatic Search
When the TV is turned on for the first time, the menu for the language selection
appears on the screen. The message
is written in all language options sequentially in the menu on the
screen. By pressing or buttons highlight the language you want to s et and
press . After then, will appear on screen. By
pressing buttons, select country item you want to set and pr ess button.
Welcome please select your
OK First time Installation Menu
After the First Time Installation is set, the following message appears on the
To start automatic search, select to cancel select This process will
take about five minutes. To cancel searching, you can press button at any
time during the process.
Yes , No .

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Andere handleiding(en) van Hitachi L37V01

Hitachi L37V01 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 43 pagina's

Hitachi L37V01 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 43 pagina's

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