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c) When battery pack is not in use, keep it away
from other metal objects, like paper clips, coins,
keys, nails, screws or other small metal objects,
that can make a connection from one terminal to
Shorting the battery terminals together may cause
burns or a re.
d) Under abusive conditions, liquid may be ejected
from the battery; avoid contact. If contact
accidentally occurs, ush with water. If liquid
contacts eyes, additionally seek medical help.
Liquid ejected from the battery may cause irritation or
6) Service
a) Have your power tool serviced by a quali ed
repair person using only identical replacement
This will ensure that the safety of the power tool is
Keep children and in rm persons away.
When not in use, tools should be stored out of reach of
children and in rm persons.
1. Wear ear protectors
Exposure to noise can cause hearing loss.
2. Use auxiliary handle(s), if supplied with the tool.
Loss of control can cause personal injury.
3. Hold power tool by insulated gripping surfaces,
when performing an operation where the cutting
accessory may contact hidden wiring.
Cutting accessory contacting a "live" wire may make
exposed metal parts of the power tool "live" and could
give the operator an electric shock.
1. Do not allow foreign matter to enter the hole for
connecting the rechargeable battery.
2. Never disassemble the rechargeable battery and
3. Never short-circuit the rechargeable battery.
Shortcircuiting the battery will cause a great electric
current and overheat. It results in burn or damage to the
4. Do not dispose of the battery in re. If the battery is burnt,
it may explode.
5. When using this unit continuously, the unit may overheat,
leading to damage in the motor and switch. Please leave
it without using it for approximately 15 minutes.
6. Do not insert object into the air ventilation slots of the
charger. Inserting metal objects or in ammables into the
charger air ventilation slots will result in electrical shock
hazard or damaged charger.
7. Bring the battery to the shop from which it was purchased
as soon as the post-charging battery life becomes too
short for practical use. Do not dispose of the exhausted
8. Before starting to break, chip or drill into a wall, oor or
ceiling, thoroughly con rm that such items as electric
cables or conduits are not buried inside.
9. Ensure that the power switch is in the OFF position. If the
battery is installed while the power switch is in the ON
position, the power tool will start operating immediately,
which could cause a serious accident.
10. Do not touch the bit during or immediately after
operation. The bit becomes very hot during operation
and could cause serious burns.
11. Always hold the body handle and side handle of the
power tool rmly. Otherwise the counterforce produced
may result in inaccurate and even dangerous operation.
12. Wear a dust mask
Do not inhale the harmful dusts generated in drilling or
chiseling operation. The dust can endanger the health of
yourself and bystanders.
13. Make sure that the battery is installed rmly. If it is at all
loose it could come o and cause an accident.
14. To prevent accidents, make sure to turn the switch o
and pull out the battery before changing accessories,
storing, carrying or when not using the tools.
15. Mounting the drill bit
To prevent accidents, make sure to turn the switch o
and pull out the battery.
When using tools such as bull points, drill bits, etc.,
make sure to use the genuine parts designated by our
Clean the shank portion of the drill bit.
Check the latching by pulling on the drill bit.
16. Operate the change lever only when the motor is at a
full stop. Operating the change lever while the motor is
running may cause the tip tool to unexpectedly rotate
and result in an accident. (Fig. 8)
17. Rotation + hammering
DH18DBQL: Using drill bit holder
(standard accessories)
DH18DBML: Using drill bit holder
(standard accessories)
When the drill bit touches construction iron bar, the bit
will stop immediately and the rotary hammer will react
to revolve. Therefore rmly tighten the side handle, hold
the body handle and side handles.
18. Rotation only
To drill wood or metal material using the drill chuck and
chuck adapter (optional accessories).
DH18DBQL: Using drill chuck holder
(standard accessories)
DH18DBDL: Not using dust extraction unit
DH18DBML: Using drill chuck holder
(standard accessories)
without dust extraction unit
Application of force more than necessary will not only
expedite the work, but will deteriorate the tip edge of the
drill bit and reduce the service life of the rotary hammer
in addition.
Drill bits may snap o while withdrawing the rotary
hammer from the drilled hole. For withdrawing, it is
important to use a pushing motion.
Do not attempt to drill anchor holes or holes in concrete
with the machine set in the rotation only function.
Do not attempt to use the rotary hammer in the rotation
and striking mode with the drill chuck and chuck adapter
attached. This would seriously shorten the service life of
every component of the machine.
19. Hammering only
DH18DBQL: Using drill bit holder
(standard accessories)
DH18DBDL: Not using dust extraction unit
DH18DBML: Using drill bit holder
(standard accessories)
without dust extraction unit
20. Do not look directly into the light. Such actions could
result in eye injury.
Wipe o
any dirt or grime attached to the lens of the LED
light with a soft cloth, being careful not to scratch the
Scratches on the lens of the LED light can result in
decreased brightness.
The LED light will not light up when installing the dust
extraction unit.
0000Book_DH18DBL.indb 30000Book_DH18DBL.indb 3 2017/03/29 17:12:212017/03/29 17:12:21

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