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For your safety, please read the following precautions carefully before using this product. Improper use would cause serious personal injuries
and/or damage to your property or this product.
About the Symbols
The following are the symbols used in this manual and affi xed on the unit itself. Please fully understand the meanings of the symbols before
reading the instructions in this section.
Never ignore the instruction. There are risks of serious injuries or possible death to the user.
Do not ignore the instruction. There are possibilities of personal injuries and/or property damage.
Other Symbols
The triangle with illustration is intended to alert the users that there are possibilities of fi re, burst, or high temperature
if the product is handled improperly.
Each illustration within the triangle specifi es the contents in detail. (The fi gure on the left is an example.)
The circle with diagonal line and illustration is intended to prohibit the users from doing the indicated actions when
handle the product.
Each illustration within this symbol specifi es the contents in detail. (The fi gure on the left is an example.)
The blacked out circle with illustration is intended to constrain the users to follow the indicated actions when handle
the product. Each illustration within this symbol specifi es the contents in detail. (The fi gure on the left is an example.)
There is a risk of re, electric shock, or serious injury.
Unplug the power cord immediately when serious problems happen.
Serious problems such as
Smoke, abnormal odor or sound comes out from the product.
No picture, no sound or distorted picture on the display.
Foreign objects (such as water, metals etc) get inside the unit.
Do not continue using the product under these abnormal conditions.
Turn off the Main Power, unplug the Power Cord, and contact your dealer immediately.
For your safety, never try to repair the product by yourself.
Do not insert liquids or any foreign objects (such as metals or fl ammable items) inside the unit.
In case it happens, turn off the main power, unplug the Power Cord, and contact your dealer immediately.
Use special caution when younger children are around the unit.
Do not remove cover, or modify the product.
High-voltage components are installed inside of the unit. Removing covers can expose you to high
voltage, electrical shock, and other dangerous conditions.
Contact your local dealer to perform servicing such as inspection, adjustment, or repair work.
Disconnect the
plug from the
power outlet.
Do not
32LD8800TA 37LD8800T

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