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Connect a decoder with an aerial socket
to the TV
 Connect the aerial cable.
Connect a decoder without an aerial
socket to the TV
 Connect the decoder to the TV with a
eurocable to SCART 1.
TV And Video Recorder
 Connect the aerial cables.
Better picture quality can be obtained if you
also connect a eurocable to SCART sockets.
Playback NTSC
To use this option you can;
Connect NTSC VCR player to
Euroconnector at the rear side of the TV.
 Connect NTSC VCR player to RCA Jacks at
the right side of the TV.
Then, press SOURCEbutton to select
proper source.
Copy Facility
Source selection for VCR recording.
 Select options menu.
 Select scart 2 out source pressing 
 / 
 Select Scart 1 to copy the picture from tuner.
 Select Scart 2 to copy the picture from FAV or
Search For And Store The Test
Signal Of The Video Recorder
 Unplug the aerial cable from the aerial
socket ANT of your video recorder.
 Switch on your TV and put the video recorder
on the test signal. (See the booklet for your
video recorder.)
 Enter the tv tuner menu in settings menu.
Enter the programming menu in tv tuner
menu and select manual search.
 Search for the test signal of your video re-
corder in the same way as you searched for
and stored the TV signals. See program-
ming menu. Store the test signal under
programme number 0.
 Replace the aerial cable in the aerial
socket ANT of your video recorder once
you have stored the test signal.
Camera And Camcorder
To Connect To FAV Input
Connect your camera or camcorder FAV in-
put at the right side of the TV.
 Connect your equipment to the TV via VIDEO
(yellow), AUDIO R (red) and AUDIO L (white)
inputs. You should connect the jacks to the
input in the same color.
To Connect To S-VHS Input
Connect your camera or camcorder S-VHS
input at the right side of the TV.
 Connect your equipment to the TV via S-VHS
input and audio inputs of FAV inputs by us-
ing S-VHS cables.
Connect The Decoder To The
Video Recorder
Some video recorders have a special
euroconnector for decoder.
 Connect a eurocable to the euroconnector of
your decoder and to the special
euroconnector of your video recorder. See
also the booklet of your video recorder.
 To connect your video recorder to the TV, see
TV and Video Recorder section.
If you want to connect more equipment to
your TV, consult your dealer.
Connecting Headphones
Use the stereo headphone socket at the
right side of the TV, to connect headphones.
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Andere handleiding(en) van Hitachi 32LD6200

Hitachi 32LD6200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 29 pagina's

Hitachi 32LD6200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 30 pagina's

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