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As the manufacturer of Maxxsonics, MB Quart, Autotek, Crunch and Hifonics car audio
products, Maxxsonics USA Inc. Warrants to the original consumer purchaser the
amplifier to be free from defects in material and workmanship for one (1) Year from date
of purchase.
All other parts and accessories of the system are warrantied to be free from defects in
material and workmanship for one (1) year from date of purchase. Maxxsonics will repair
or replace at it’s option and free of charge during the warranty period, any system
component that proves defective in materials and workmanship under normal installation,
use and service provided that the product is returned to the authorized Maxxsonics dealer
from where it was purchased. A photo copy of the original receipt must accompany the
product being returned.
Valid purchase receipts will contain the name and address of the authorized reseller.
Any damage to the product as a result of misuse, abuse, accident, incorrect wiring,
improper installation, alteration of date code or bar code labels, revolution, natural
disaster, or any sneaky stuff because someone messed up, repair or alteration out side
of our factory or authorized service centers and any thing else you have done that you
should not have done is not covered.
This warranty is limited to defective parts and specifically excludes any incidental or
consequential damages connected therewith. This warranty is not to be construed as an
insurance policy.
Warranty on installation labor, removal, re-installation and freight charges are not the
responsibility of Maxxsonics USA Inc.
Warranty products damaged as a result of insufficient or improper packing materials are
not covered by this limited warranty and such damaged product will be returned “as is”
at the expense of the owner.
Maxxsonics Limited Warranty

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De handleiding is 4,02 mb groot.


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