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Tighten the screws firmly but do not over tighten. Over tightening can damage the screws,
greatly reducing the holding power.
During installation, keep away the pet and children.
Do not insert any objects into the air intake or exhaust. (risk of electric shock).
Do not cover the appliance. (risk of overheating).
Do not block the exhaust. (risk of triggering the thermal fuse).
Do not allow contact with liquids. (risk of short-circuiting).
Intended use
• The appliance is intended for professional use.
The appliance is designed only for drying hands.
Any other use may lead to damage of the appli-
ance or personal injury.
Operating the appliance for any other purpose
shall be deemed a misuse of the device. The user
shall be solely liable for improper use of the de-
Grounding installation
This appliance is classified as class I protection
appliance and must be connected to a protective
ground. Grounding reduces the risk of electric
shock by providing an escape wire for the electric
current. This appliance is equipped with a cord
hav¬ing a grounding wire with a grounding plug.
The plug must be plugged into an outlet that is
properly in¬stalled and grounded.
Preparations before installation
Before installation: Check the appliance and its
screw holes at the back for any damage.
Note: Installation kits (included) and consult a
qualified contractor or installer if you are not cer-
tain the structure of the structure of the wall and
ensure that the procedure is carried out properly
and safely.
Important: make sure the appliance is mounted
within the reach of the electrical outlet.
Important: do not mount the appliance on dry-
wall or panelling without first anchoring to a wall
Important: before start mounting, make sure you
have all the tools, such as screw driver, electric
drills, measuring tape, marking pencil (not in-
The appliance must be securely anchored on the
wall by attaching the screws
Locating the wall studs: anchoring the assures
that the appliance will not loose during operation.
Be aware that items such as ducts, electrical
wires and water pipes may be behind the walls
in your work area.
For attaching the appliance securely to other wall
surfaces such as concrete or brick, see your local
hardware store for recommendations on using
the appropriate concrete and masonry fasteners
and anchors for your particular structure.
Installation on the wall
Attention: Installation should be performed by a
professional installer or electrician.
1) Drill four holes (ø 8 mm) in the wall (for position
of the holes check Illustration 1 and 2). Put the
wall plugs into the holes
2) Remove the two screws that keep the cover in
place and remove the cover. (Illustration 3)
3) Pull the wires through the hole and fix the appli-
ance to the wall with 4 screws, then connect the
power wire to a power source (the ground wire is
yellow and green). (Illustration 4)
4) Close the cover and secure it with the two screws
from step 2. (Illustration 5)

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