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Introduction, Description and Features,
and Included Items
Thank you for purchasing the Harman Kardon
HKTS 65 speaker system, with which
you’re about to begin many years of listening enjoyment. The HKTS 65 has been custom
designed to provide all the excitement and power of the cinema experience in your own
living room.
While sophisticated electronics and state-of-the-art speaker components are hard at
work within the HKTS 65, hookup and operation are easy, thanks to simple controls and
color-keyed cables and connections.
To obtain maximum enjoyment from your new home theater speaker system, we urge you
to take a few minutes to read through this manual. It will help ensure that the connections
you make to your receiver (or preamp/processor), amplier and other devices are correct.
In addition, a few minutes spent learning the functions of the various controls will enable
you to take advantage of all the power and renement the HKTS 65 is able to deliver.
If you have any questions about this product, its installation or its operation, please
contact your dealer. He or she is your best local source of information.
Description and Features
The HKTS 65 is a complete six-piece home theater speaker system that includes:
A 200-watt wireless powered subwoofer with an 8-inch (200mm) low-frequency
Four identical, two-way, video-shielded, dual at-panel midrange satellite speakers
for the front left and right, and surround left and right speaker positions
A dedicated, voice-matched, video-shielded, dual at-panel midrange center speaker
Removable bases for the satellite speakers and wall-mount brackets for the satellite
and center speakers
All of the cables you need to connect all of the speakers to your receiver or preamp/
processor and amplier
The speaker cables all use a color-coding system to conform to the Consumer Electronics
Association (CEA
) standard. This color-coding system minimizes confusion when
connecting the speakers, especially when you are connecting them to a Harman Kardon
We have equipped the HKTS 220SUB wireless subwoofer and transmitter with Wireless
Code switches that allow the subwoofer to avoid interference from other wireless devices
while it’s operating wirelessly. Other conveniences include a level control, a phase switch
for ne-tuning bass response to suit your listening environment and taste, and an
efcient switching system that senses the presence of an audio signal and automatically
switches the subwoofer from standby mode to on.
We have included wall-mount brackets for the satellite and center speakers and shelf
stands for the satellite speakers. Optional HKFS 3 oor stands are available separately
from your Harman Kardon dealer.
Harman Kardon engineers invented the high-delity receiver over fty years ago. With
state-of-the-art features and time honored circuit designs, the HKTS 65 is a perfect
complement to a Harman Kardon receiver or any home theater system.
Included Items
SAT-TS60 Satellite
speakers x 4
CEN-TS60 Center
speaker x 1
Satellite wall-mount
bracket x 4
Center speaker wall-mount
bracket x 1
Bracket stop
plate x 4
16.5-foot (5m)
speaker cables x 2
32.8-foot (10m)
speaker cables x 2
13.1-foot (4m)
speaker cable x 1
HKTS 220SUB wireless
subwoofer x 1
Subwoofer wireless
transmitter x 1
Wireless transmitter
power supply x 1
Transmitter power
supply AC cord x 1
(varies with region)
LFE cable x 1
Trigger cable x 1

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  • De subwoofer is stuk. Worden de bastonen vanzelf overgenomen door de ander 5 boxen of moet ik die opnieuw instellen met EzSet/EQ microfoon? Gesteld op 12-11-2021 om 12:37

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • graag zou ik de Nederlandse handleiding van de HKTS 65 BQ willen hebben
    Gr Jolanda Gesteld op 18-2-2015 om 13:52

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • Kunt U een vertaling mailen in het Nederlands van HKTS65BQ ? Gesteld op 25-9-2014 om 22:03

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • Na het afsluiten van de installatie, brand het lichtje van de sub woofer ongeveer 15 min. daarna gaat het uit
      's nachts om 05.00 uur begint de sub woofer te ruisen (brommen) uit het niets, wat kun dat zijn?? Geantwoord op 8-12-2014 om 22:41

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