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Troubleshooting Guide
Unit does not function when
Power Switch is pushed
Display lights, but no sound
or picture
Unit turns on, but Front-Panel
Display does not light up
No sound from any speaker;
Light around power switch is red
No sound from surround or
center speakers
Unit does not respond to
remote commands
Intermittent buzzing in tuner
• No AC Power
• Intermittent input connections
Mute is on
Volume control is down
• Display brightness is turned off.
Amplifier is in protection mode
due to possible short
Amplifier is in protection mode
due to internal problems
• Incorrect surround mode
• Input is monaural
• Incorrect configuration
• Stereo or Mono program material
Weak batteries in remote
Wrong device selected
• Remote sensor is obscured
• Local interference
• Make certain AC power cord is plugged into
a live outlet
• Check to see if outlet is switch controlled
• Make certain that all input and speaker connections
are secure
• Press Mute button
Turn up volume control
• Follow the instructions in the Display Brightness section
on page 20 so that the display is set to VFD FULL
• Check speaker-wire connections for shorts at receiver and
speaker ends
• Contact your local Harman Kardon service depot
• Select a mode other than Stereo
There is no surround information from mono sources
• Check speaker mode
The surround decoder may not create center- or rear-channel
information from nonencoded programs
• Change remote batteries
• Press the AVR selector
• Make certain front-panel sensor is visible to remote
or connect remote sensor
• Move unit or antenna away from computers, fluorescent
lights, motors or other electrical appliances
Processor Reset
In the rare case where the unit’s operation or
the displays seem abnormal, the cause may
involve the erratic operation of the system’s
memory or microprocessor.
To correct this problem, first unplug the unit
from the AC wall outlet and wait at least three
minutes. After the pause, reconnect the AC
power cord and check the unit’s operation. If
the system still malfunctions, a system reset
may clear the problem.
To clear the AVR 500’s entire system memory
including tuner presets, output level settings,
delay times and speaker configuration data,
first turn the unit off by pressing and releasing
the Main Power Switch 1 so that it pops
out from its normal recessed position. Next,
press and hold the AM/FM $ and the Dolby
Pro Logic Ó buttons while pushing in the
Main Power Switch 1 to turn the unit back
on. Note that once you have cleared the memory
in this manner, it is necessary to re-establish all
system configuration settings and tuner presets.
NOTE: Resetting the processor will erase any
configuration settings you have made for
speakers, output levels, surround modes, digital
input assignments as well as the tuner presets.
After a reset the unit will be returned to the
factory presets, and all settings for these items
must be reentered.
If the system is still operating incorrectly, there
may have been an electronic discharge or
severe AC line interference that has corrupted
the memory or microprocessor.
If these steps do not solve the problem, consult
an authorized Harman Kardon service depot.

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