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Caution in using the product
Please check every part of the product to ensure there
is no problem before using the product. Please do not
use the product if any sign of a crack, chipping, dent,
bending, slackness or other abnormality is discovered.
Please do not use the product for any purpose other
than boiling water since it may result in discoloration
or corrosion. Do not use the product for cooking.
Do not use the product if it is lled with water to the brim.
Always ll the product with water only up to the
proper level. Overlling the product may result in hot
water to boil over and may result in burn injury.
Never heat the product empty. Heating an empty product
may result in deformation or damage to the product and
may also cause a re or burn injury.
Do not apply heat with the lid off. This will cause the
handle to become heated by steam, which may cause
burn injury. In addition, this may damage the handle.
The handle may become very hot while boiling water or
soon after boiling water.Use a pot-holder or kitchen mitten
to avoid burn injury.
Keep the product away from children while boiling water
or soon after boiling water to avoid children from
touching the product.
Please note that the long preservation of water causes
rust and the hole to open.
Please do not remove the lid while holding the handle
after emptying boiled water from the product or if
boiled water remains in the product. Steam may cause
injury from burn.
Full capacity
Practical capacity
Since the pouring spout, body and opening are
there is a risk of boiling water to boil over from
these openings. Please ensure not to over ll and
take care
to control the amount of heat to apply.
VKB-120 1105
Do not use the product if the handle becomes loose.
It may result in the product dropping and cause burn
If the handle is damaged, do not attempt to repair or
modify the handle and use the product.
Please tighten the knob of the lid if it becomes loose.
Do not use the product on top of a space heater.
This may result in the product toppling over and cause
burn injury.
Please do not give a strong impact such as drops from
a high place. It causes damage and the transformation.
Attempting to pour out boiled water from the product
immediately after water is boiled may result in hot water
to splatter. Please wait at least 20 seconds after turning
off the heat.
Please follow practical capacity of the product in
using the product.
V60 Drip Kettle

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