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Knowing Your Tablet
Safety Precautions
1. The display panel of your Tablet works as a touch screen. DO NOT tap on the
screen with your fingernails or any sharp objects, nor tap the panel or the buttons
with wearing the glove.
2. DO NOT expose the Tablet to dirty or dusty environment. Keep the environment
clean and dry.
3. DO NOT place the Tablet on uneven or unstable work surface.
4. DO NOT place or drop objects on the top of the Tablet. DO NOT shove any foreign
objects into the Tablet.
5. DO NOT expose the Tablet to strong magnetic or electrical fields that may have
some impact on the screen.
6. DO NOT leave the Tablet facing the sun as it can damage the LCD Screen,
especially in the car.
7. SAFE TEMP: This Tablet should only be used in environments with ambient
temperatures between 5(41) and 35(95).
8. DO NOT expose the Tablet to or use near liquids, rain, or moisture.
9. DO NOT throw the Tablet in municipal waste. Check local regulations for disposal
of electronic products.
10. The Tablet and the Adapter may become hot to the touch during operating or
charging. DO NOT leave the Tablet on your lap or any part of the body in order to
prevent discomfort or injury from heat exposure or you can call 1-888-808-6789 and
Hannspree Customer Service can send a shipping label that will have your tablet
sent to a recycling center for proper disposal.
11. INPUT RATING: Refer to the rating label on the Tablet and be sure that the Power
Adapter complies with the rating. Only use attachments or accessories specified by
the manufacturer. Please call 1-888-808-6789 to purchase a replacement power
adapter if you accidentally damage or lose the one that came with your tablet.
12. Please check all the connections between the main unit and attachments before
turning on the Tablet.
13. DO NOT use the Tablet while eating food to avoid dirtying the Tablet.
14. DO NOT insert anything into the Tablet that may result in short circuit or damage
the circuit.
15. Powering off the Tablet, if you want install or remove some external devices, which
are not support hot-plug.
16. Disconnect the Tablet from the electrical outlet before cleaning.
17. DO NOT disassemble the Tablet, only a certified service technician should perform
repairs on your computer. Otherwise, problem may result and the manufacturer
should not hold responsibility for the damage.
18. Excessive sound pressure from earphones and headphones can cause hearing loss.
19. The Tablet embedded battery isn’t replaceable by user; it can be replaced only by
Authorized Hannspree Service.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Hannspree Hannspad SN10T1

Hannspree Hannspad SN10T1 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Espanõl - 32 pagina's

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