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Operating Instruction
Operating Instruction
g Operating Instructions
Universal Remote Control
Function Keys
1. Turns the device on or off.
2. Mute the sound.
3. CH± : Works like the Channel Up and Down
key on your original remote control.
4. VOL±: Control the volume like the Volume Up
and Down key on your original remote control.
5. SET: Setup/Confi guration of the remote
6. TV, SAT(/CBL): Let you select the
device you want to control.
General Description:
Thank you for purchasing the Hama 2 in 1
universal remote control. This remote control
contains one of the most extensive code
libraries. This remote control allows you to
operate a maximum of 2 devices. It is suitable
for a large quantity of TVs and satellite recei-
vers (CBL/SAT) found on the market today.
A control LED supports the programming of
the remote control. The Hama 2 in 1 universal
remote control controls all essential basic
functions of your devices. Please read this
instruction manual carefully in its entirety
before using this remote control for the fi rst
Inserting batteries:
This remote control requires 2 AAA batteries
(not included) for operation.
1. Turn the remote control over and open the
back cover.
2. Insert the batteries. Make sure the
polarity is correct. (See the (+) and (-)
markings in the battery compartment)
3. Insert the cover back into its original
The 2 in 1 is a new model of preprogrammed
universal remote control for European market
which has an extensive code library, power-
ful function and stable quality .It features as:
A. Totally 2 device keys: TV, SAT
[Analogue Satellite, digital Satellite,
B. Operation Modes: Set-up Mode, Manual
Search Mode and Auto Search
C. Back-up memory to keep the set up data
no- volatilization.
D. LED fl ash to indicate when transmission.
E. Set-up indicating LED
F. Punch-through function
Code Set Up
A. Set Up by Manual Search:
a. Power on the device that you want to
control. If it is a VCR, it must be inserted
with a tape.
b. Press and hold the [SET] keys. Then press
the device key in remote control, such as
[TV], [SAT]
c. The LED will be on at moment. Then
release the pressed keys.
d. Point the remote control to the device,
strike the [POWER] key. The remote control
enters into ”Manual Search” mode and the
LED keeps fl ashing.
e. See if device reacts or not. If it works, turn
to step f; If not, repeat step d every 1
f. Test other keys. If keys work well enough,
press the device key to quit from the
search mode. If most keys don‘t work well
enough, repeat step d-f to fi nd the best
a. Whenever you want to leave or change
search mode, press the device key to quit,
and the LED will turn off.
b. In the Manual Search Mode, besides the
[POWER] key, all other keys‘ function can
be checked normally. That is to say you
can test other keys without leaving Manual
Search mode. It will leave Manual Search
mode automatically if no key pressed in 30
c. You may use the SET key to change the
search direction from forward to backward
or from backward to forward.
B. Set up by Auto Search:
This search is similar to Manuel Search
except it transmits power signal automatical-
ly instead of manually pressing the power key
during the search:
a. Power on the device you want to control.
b. Press and hold [SET] key, in the meantime,
press and hold the Device key that you
want to control. (for example: TV) for more
than 3 seconds and then release them, the
auto search begins. The remote control
enters into Auto Search, LED fl ash, and
remote control transmit power signal every
2.0 second automatically.
c. See if device react or not, once the device
reacts, press any key (except SET key) to
stop the search.
d. Test if other keys work well enough. If
most keys work not good enough, Auto
Search again to fi nd next reactive code
and try until you fi nd the best code.
a. You must point your remote control to the
device that you want to control during
Auto Search.
b. Whenever you want to leave Auto Search
mode, press any key (except SET key) to
quit, and the LED will be Off. The search is
c. When remote control search through all
codes (about 10 minutes), then the remote
control will quit from Auto Search process
d. In case of you did not stop the search on
time when device reacted, you may use
the Manual Search to search back to fi nd
the passed code.
Other Features
Punch-through Function
When you change the device from one to
another, if another device doesn‘t have
volume key and mute key, the remote control
will remain the volume key and mute key of
last device.
a. After you have fi nished set-up, fi rst please
press the device key (TV or SAT) on
remote control that you want to use, and
then operate your remote control normally.
b. An LED indicates which device is being
used. Sometimes a different device is
displayed from the one in operation (or
the last pressed device selection key). In
this case the “punch through” function is

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