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Thank you for purchasing this universal remote control. Before using the
remote you will need to insert 2 type "AAA" batteries (not included) in the
battery compartment ensuring that you follow the polarity shown on the inside.
You can now use your remote control to operate up to 9 different devices
(depending on the model) including a TV, video recorder, DVD player, satellite or
cable receiver, CD player, tuner (radio), tape recorder and amplifier. If your
remote control is equipped with an AUX key (not standard on all models) then
you can also use it to control a second TV set, video recorded, satellite receiver
and/or cable box, CD player, tuner, tape recorder or amplifier!
Easy programming for the control of your TV SET
1. Insert 2 new 1.5V alkaline batteries of type "AAA/LR03". Observe battery
polarity as indicated in the battery compartment.
2. Switch on your TV SET.
3. In the enclosed code list, find your TV brand or manufacturer (e.g. Sony).
4. Beside the manufacturer's name, you will find one or more 3-digit codes.
These codes must be entered into the remote to enable it to work with your
particular TV set.
5. Press the key on the remote control for approximately 4 seconds until
the LED flashes twice.
6. After seeing the 2 flashes and within 5 seconds, enter the 3-digit numerical
code from the list.
7. After entering the code the LED will flash twice indicating that the code has
been accepted.
8. Point the remote control towards your TV and press the key. If your TV
does not respond by going into Stand-By mode then repeat steps 3 to 8
and enter the next code in the list.
9. If your TV goes into Stand-By mode when the key pressed then your
remote control has found a compatible code. Next test all of the other
function buttons. If certain functions are not working correctly then restart
the process moving onto the next code number as this may well improve
the situation.
10. If the codes in the list fail to operate your TV then next move onto the
automatic code scan function (see below).
Easy programming for the control of your VIDEO
To programme the remote control to operate your VIDEO RECORDER, proceed
as described above for the television set. Complete steps 1 to 10 using the
key on your remote control. Please ensure that you refer to the codes
listed under the VIDEO RECORDER section and not the TV section.
Easy programming for the control of your SATELLITE
To programme the remote control to operate your SATELLITE RECEIVER or
CABLE BOX, proceed as described for the television set. Complete steps 1 to
10 using the key on your remote control. Please ensure that you refer to
the codes listed under the SATELLITE section and not the TV section.
Easy programming for the control of your DVD PLAYER
To programme the remote control to operate your DVD PLAYER, proceed as
described for the television set. Complete steps 1 to 10 using the key on
your remote control. Please ensure that you refer to the codes listed under the
DVD section and not the TV section.
Easy programming for the control of your CD PLAYER
To programme the remote control to operate your CD PLAYER, proceed as
described for the television set. Complete steps 1 to 10 except you must first
press and release the key followed by holding down the key. Please
ensure that you refer to the codes listed under the CD section and not the TV

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Andere handleiding(en) van Hama 20311 - Easytip S5

Hama 20311 - Easytip S5 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

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