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Operating Manual
Thank you for choosing this universal remote control. This product has been
designed and manufactured to extremely high standards and if used properly
will provide many years of reliable service.
Replacing batteries
Your universal remote control is powered by two 1.5 V AAA batteries. We
recommend only new alkaline batteries are used. Never combine new and old
batteries together as this will shorten the battery life and affect the
performance of the remote. After inserting the batteries, press any key on the
remote, if the Red LED flashes this indicates that the batteries have been
inserted correctly.
Please note:
Always insert the batteries as shown at the inside of the battery slot.
Immediately remove a battery if it shows any sign of leaking.
Dispose of used batteries as recommended by the manufacturer.
1. How to program your universal remote control
The appendix of this manual contains a list of 4-digit codes that allow you to
program your universal remote control to operate your television set, video
recorder, SAT receiver or DVD player.
Putting in the right code for your device
Your remote is pre-programmed with many different 4-digit codes. These
codes are specific to remote control and have no relationship to the original
model number of your device or your original remote control number. In the
separate code list booklet there are a number of 4-digit codes listed against
each manufacturer. In order to operate your remote you will need to find the
correct code for your particular model of your device. This may mean that you
will have to try several codes before gaining satisfactory operation of your
Step 1. Look at your device and find out which brand it is i.e. Mitsubishi, Sony,
Panasonic etc.
Step 2. Look up the makers brand name in your code list book.
Step 3. Input the first of the 4 digit codes listed for that manufacturer, if
nothing happens there is no need to contact the Helpdesk, simply
move onto the next code in the list and try again. Keep moving
through the list until you have tried all of the codes.
Tips with Code Numbers
Q. I put in a code, which works my TV, but the Teletext or some other function
is not working?
A. This is fairly normal when programming for the first time. It simply means
you have the wrong code number for your TV. Each code number relates to
a specific group or type of remote within your brand. If a certain function
fails to work try the next code in the list before calling the Helpline.
Q. My brand of TV is not listed in the code book?
A. Do not worry, simply read the section entitle “Automatic code scan”.
You have two options to program your universal remote control
• Recommendation:
Manually enter codes listed in the appendix of this manual
• Alternatively:
Run automatic code scan
For the programming of your remote control, we recommend to initially use the
code list included in the appendix of this manual. These codes are specific to
each device manufacturer and are thus specifically geared to fulfil all necessary
functions. Alternatively, you can try the automatic code scan to detect the
correct code. This function might be useful if your device brand is not listed in
the code list or if certain functions appear not to be available with direct code
entry. As the code scan searches through a large number of codes, it might
take up to 8 minutes until the scan is completed.

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Hama 20305 - Easytip M1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 10 pagina's

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