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Universal Remote Control
Function buttons
1. LED display
2. Mode key for device selection at the
second level (AUX, AMP, DVB-T, CBL)
3. Device selection buttons(TV/AUX, VCR/
4. Setup
5. VOL+/VOL–:Volume control
6. Text ON:Switch on TeletextMenu:Open
device menu
7. Hold:Hold the current Teletext page
8. Number keys 0-9
9. AV:Switch to an external device
10. E Rewind / red
B Play / yellow
F Fast forward / blue
I Start recording
K Stop / green
J Pause / magenta
11. -/--: Switch to two-digit channel
12. Info: Information about the station
(depending on device)
EPG: Display Electronic Programme Guide
(depending on device)
13. Text OFF: Switch off Teletext
EXIT: Exit device menu
14. P+/P–:Programme selection
15. H Mute switch
OK: Confirm your entry
16. Shift: For the blue function buttons, e.g.
OK When the Shift button is pressed, the
LED is illuminated. The Shift function is
then active for approx. 30 seconds and
automatically switches off again.
Alternatively, it can be switched off at any
time by pressing the Shift key again.
17. Power: ON/OFF
This universal remote control is one 8 in 1
remote control and can operate following
device types: TV, STB, CBL, AUDIO, AUX,
VCR, CD, DVD. (e.g. DVD-recorder/Player,
video recorders, boosters, tuners, etc.).
The lettering of the keys does not describe
the device type to be programmed, it is used
therefore only for the easier overview.
Note down please the codes of your devices
which you used for the programming. If the
codes should be e.g. to a battery change no
more not stored, you can program the remote
control so more quickly.
They must program a four-digit device code
to a source key (TV, STB, CBL, AUDIO, AUX,
VCR, CD, DVD) for every device which you
would like to operate with the universal
remote control.
Video recorder: for the code search please
inserted a tape.
Programming device codes
Entering device code after code set
The codes of the corresponding devices are
the code list, to take that is enclosed in this
operating manual.
Turn on the device manually.
Hold the key setup (4) pressed for approx.
3 seconds until the red LED (1) lights up
Press the source key (3) (TV, STB, CBL,
AUDIO, AUX, VCR, CD, DVD) shortly.
! Press the „Mode“ (2) button before using
the group of devices (AUX, AMP, DVB-T,
You distribute the corresponding four-digit
code then the code table one.
To the confirmation of every keystroke the
red LED (1) goes out shortly.
g Operating Instructions

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