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Then it’s the turn of the next player to turn around a stone and
move their apprentice the corresponding number of dots.
Square with hat
Whoever reaches the square with the hat, puts the hat onto
their apprentice. Then the player mixes the stones and places
them with the dots face down before it’s the turn of the
next player.
Change of hat
If an apprentice stands at the end of their move on the same
step as the apprentice with the hat, the newly arrived
apprentice gets the hat.
Important: Even if on the step there are already two or three
apprentices, the newly arrived one will always get the hat.
If the apprentice wearing the hat lands on a step with anot-
her apprentice there, than this one gets the hat.
Watch out: If there are already several apprentices on the
step, the hat is not exchanged.
Important: After each change of the hat the stones are
mixed. Then it’s the turn of the next player.
Watch out!
You have to reach the larder with the exact number of dots
and can only enter it wearing the hat.
An apprentice can not move past the starting or target square.
If necessary, they have to change direction.
Assemble the game board and put it in the center of the table.
Put the magic hat on the sixth step: there is its place.
The stones show dots from 1 – 6 on one side and a guardian each
on the back.Turn them so that you face the guardians, mix them up
and put them on the places provided for them.
Each player chooses an apprentice and places him on the first
step of the staircase. Extra apprentices are kept aside.
How to play:
Play in a clockwise direction. The player who is the first to recite a
magic spell, may start. If you can not agree, it’s the youngest play-
er who starts.
They turn around a stone. How many dots does it show? The
apprentice may move as many steps as dots shown.
Then the stone is turned around again and the guardian is seen.
Rules for the magic walk
All dots have to be used up.
You can move forwards or backwards.
While moving, however, the direction may not be changed.
stone guardians
square for hat
starting square

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