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go to www.htc.com/support.
Please also read the Safety and regulatory guide that’s
included in the box.
91H0xxxx-xxM Rev.A
HTC Sensation XE with
Beats Audio™
Quick guide
Get HTC Sync
Use HTC Sync to sync contacts, calendar, and other info
between your computer and your phone.
Go to our support website (www.htc.com/support) to
download the latest HTC Sync software for your phone
and install it on your computer.
Battery saving tips
Turning off wireless functions manually
You can turn off wireless functions such as Wi-Fi, mobile
network, and Bluetooth on-the-fly when not in use.
1. Drag your finger from the top of the screen down to
open the Notifications panel.
2. Tap Quick Settings.
3. Tap the off/on switches of the wireless functions you
want to turn off.
To turn Wi-Fi off, tap next to Wi-Fi connection, and
then tap the off/on switch.
Use your phone’s 8 megapixel camera with dual flash to
take high resolution photos. The camera even captures
videos in full HD with stereo audio recording.
From the Home screen, tap > Camera or Camcorder.
To switch to the front camera, just tap Mode > Front and
take your own closeup shots.
Check out the complete user guide for more details.
Capture your big moments Connect to the Internet
It’s simple. When you turn your phone on for the first
time (with the SIM card inserted), it should connect
automatically to your mobile operator’s data service.
Note If presented with a list of mobile operators, make sure to
select the correct one for your SIM card. Contact your mobile
operator for more details.
If you want to connect to the Internet using Wi-Fi®:
1. From the Home screen, press , and then tap
2. Tap the Wi-Fi off/on switch to turn it on.
3. Tap Wi-Fi. Then choose a Wi-Fi network to connect to.
If you select an open network, you’ll be automatically
connected. If you select a secured network, enter the
key, and then tap Connect.
Fast browsing
Enjoy fast web browsing or watch videos from your
favorite sites. From the Home screen, tap > Internet.
Watch movies on the go
With our HTC Watch™ online
video service, get a glimpse
of the latest movie trailers and
enjoy watching Hollywood
blockbusters or TV shows. You
can choose to either rent or buy
videos, and start watching a
video as it’s being downloaded.
Ta p > Watch, sign up
for your account, and start
Note The HTC Watch service may not
be available in some regions.
Listen to your fave tunes
Enjoy music wherever you are.
From the Home screen, tap
> Music.
Plug in the Beats™ headphones
that came with your phone.
Stylish and compact, the Beats
headphones bring added
listening pleasure. With studio
quality music presets from Beats
on your phone, your music
collection sounds its best.
If you signed into your Google Account when you first set
up your phone, you’ll be able to send and receive Gmail
messages. From the Home screen, just tap > Gmail.
Use the Mail app to set up and manage your other email
accounts such as POP3, IMAP, or Exchange ActiveSync.
1. From the Home screen, tap > Mail.
2. On the Choose a mail provider screen, tap Other
If you don’t see this screen, tap , and then tap New
account > Other (POP3/IMAP).
3. Enter the email address and password for your email
4. Follow the onscreen instructions to finish setting up
your email account.
In the Mail app, you can check
your email messages just in one
place without having to switch to
different accounts. Just choose the
All accounts inbox. Email messages
are color coded so you can easily
distinguish which email accounts
they belong to.
Keep in contact
There are several ways you can add contacts to your
Adding a new contact
1. From the Home screen, tap > People.
2. Tap .
3. Enter the contact information in the relevant fields.
4. Tap Save.
Importing contacts from your SIM card
In the People app, press , and then tap Import/Export
> Import from SIM card.
Syncing contacts from your online accounts
You can sync your phone with contacts in your Google
Account, Facebook, and even Exchange ActiveSync
account. See the complete user guide to see how it’s done.

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Andere handleiding(en) van HTC Sensation XE Beats Audio

HTC Sensation XE Beats Audio Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

HTC Sensation XE Beats Audio Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 183 pagina's

HTC Sensation XE Beats Audio Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

HTC Sensation XE Beats Audio Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 247 pagina's

HTC Sensation XE Beats Audio Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 173 pagina's

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