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Charging Battery and Powering On/O
1. To charge, insert the Micro-USB Charging Cable into the HP
Sprocket Plus.
2. Connect the Micro-USB Cable to a power source.
3. When connected, the Status Indicator LED Light will turn red to
indicate charging.
4. To charge fully, allow the device to charge until the Charging
Indicator LED Light turns green.
5. Turn on the device by pressing the Power Button until the
Status Indicator LED Light illuminates and turns solid white.
6. Turn o the device by pressing the Power Button until the
Status Indicator LED Light goes dark.
Continued use during charging will slow down the charging speed.
Connect the Micro-USB Cable to a power source capable of supplying 5Vdc/1A.
Do not insert more than 1 pack of HP Sprocket Plus Photo Paper (10 sheets plus 1 Smartsheet®) into the device at a time to avoid
paper jams or print errors.
Only use 2.3 x 3.4” (5.8 x 8.7 cm) HP Sprocket Plus Photo Paper with the device to avoid paper jams and malfunctions. You can
purchase additional paper within the sprocket app by tapping “Buy Paper” in the Main Menu.
In the case of a paper jam, do not pull on the paper. Instead, turn the device o and on again to automatically eject the paper.
Do not pull the paper out of the device during printing.
If spills or moisture collect on a photo, wipe it away as soon as possible to prevent color damage.
Keep photo paper clean and free of bends or damage for best print quality.
Pairing a Mobile Device and the HP Sprocket Plus
Pair quickly and easily with your HP Sprocket Plus using the in-app Setup Instructions. On rst launch
of the sprocket app, select “Setup”. You can access the Setup Instructions anytime from the Help &
How To menu. When successfully connected, a green dot will appear by “sprocket” in the Main Menu.
For Android™
1. Press and hold the Power Button until the Status Indicator LED Light turn white when fully powered on.
2. Be sure Bluetooth is turned on for your mobile device or tablet and then open the sprocket app. Select the Main
Menu in the upper left-hand corner.
3. Tap sprocket and then Printers to pair your printer with your mobile device or tablet. A pop up message will
direct you to Android™ Settings to pair your printer. Select the printer from the list of available devices.
For iPhone®
1. Press and hold the Power Button for 3 seconds to turn on the printer. The Status Indicator LED Light will turn
white once fully powered on.
2. Open iPhone® Settings and select Bluetooth. Turn Bluetooth on and then select the printer from the listed
3. Next, launch the sprocket app.
• A reminder message will appear if you try to print a photo and are not paired with your HP Sprocket Plus.
• If your mobile device and printer will not pair, try reseting the printer.
• Only one iOS device can pair with the printer at a time. To share the printer, turn o Bluetooth and allow someone else to pair.
Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPad, iPod, and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc. Google and Google Logo are registered
trademarks of Google Inc.

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Andere handleiding(en) van HP Sprocket Plus

HP Sprocket Plus Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 15 pagina's

HP Sprocket Plus Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 15 pagina's

HP Sprocket Plus Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 15 pagina's

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