Pagina terug
Pagina verder
airline travel notice 7
altitude notice 23, 30
battery notice 7, 8, 22, 41
battery recycling 32
Brazil notice 3
cable grounding notice 24
Canada modem statement 12
Canada notices 3
China environmental notices 34,
China PC energy label 34, 44
China restriction of hazardous
substances notice 37
disposal notices
battery 41
battery, user replacement 7
equipment 32
factory sealed battery 8
electronic hardware and battery
recycling 32
ENERGY STAR certification 33,
environmental notices 32
equipment disposal notice 32
ergonomics notice 5, 20
European Union Commission
Regulation 1275/2008 40, 52
European Union notices 4, 19
Federal Communications
desktops, thin clients and
workstations notice 17
desktops, thin clients,
workstations cables 17
desktops, thin clients,
workstations modifications
notebook computers cables 2
notebook computers
modifications 2
notebook computers notice 2
GS Notice 5, 20
headset and earphone volume
level notice 22
India restriction of hazardous
substances notice 40, 52
Japan modem statement 12
Japan notice 5, 20
Japan power cord notice 13
Japan restriction of hazardous
substances notice 41, 52
keyboard notice 23
labels, regulatory 1
laser safety notice 8
Macrovision Corporation notice
Mexico Sustainable Energy Use
Law 41
Mexico wireless notice 6
modem notices 9
modem statements
Canada 12
Japan 12
New Zealand 12
U.S. 9
modifications, desktops, thin
clients, workstations
Federal Communications
Commission 17
modifications, notebook computers
Federal Communications
Commission 2
New Zealand modem statement
airline travel 7
battery 7, 8, 41
battery, user replacement 22
Brazil 3
Canada 3
China restriction of hazardous
substances 37
environmental 32
equipment disposal 32
ergonomics 5, 20
European Union 4, 19
headset and earphone volume
level 22
India restriction of hazardous
substances 40, 52
Japan 5, 20
Japan power cord 13
Japan restriction of hazardous
substances 41, 52
keyboard 23
laser safety 8
Macrovision Corporation 13
Mexico 6
modem 9
perchlorate material 41
power cords 13, 23
Singapore 6
South Korea 6
Taiwan 7, 21
Thailand WWAN wireless
notice 7
Index 55

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Andere handleiding(en) van HP Pavilion - 550-104nd - Windows 8.1

HP Pavilion - 550-104nd - Windows 8.1 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Nederlands - 72 pagina's

HP Pavilion - 550-104nd - Windows 8.1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 32 pagina's

HP Pavilion - 550-104nd - Windows 8.1 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Deutsch - 72 pagina's

HP Pavilion - 550-104nd - Windows 8.1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 34 pagina's

HP Pavilion - 550-104nd - Windows 8.1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 31 pagina's

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