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HP OiceJet 6950 All-in-One series
The information contained herein is
subject to change without notice.
Scan to nd out more
Standard data rates may apply. Might not be available in all languages.
If you want to print from your smartphone or tablet
You can use your printer to print documents and photos directly from your mobile devices.
iOS: Use the Print option from the Share menu. No setup required - iOS AirPrint is preinstalled.
Android: Download and enable the HP Print Service Plugin (supported by most Android devices) from the
Google Play Store.
You can also use the HP All-in-One Printer Remote app to set up and use your HP printer for scanning, printing,
and sharing documents. Install it from the app store for your mobile device.
For help enabling mobile printing, visit the HP Mobile Printing website at www.hp.com/go/mobileprinting. If a
local version of this website is not available in your country/region or language, you might be directed to the HP
Mobile Printing site in another country/region or language.
Get started
1. Prepare: Follow the instructions in the setup yer to begin printer setup.
2. Connect: Visit 123.hp.com/setup to download and start the HP setup software or the HP All-in-One Printer
Remote app, and connect the printer to your network.
Note: The HP All-in-One Printer Remote app is available on an app store.
Note for Windows® users: You can also use the HP printer software CD. If the installation program does
not start, browse to Computer, double-click the CD/DVD drive icon with the HP logo, and then double-click
Note: If you are unable to connect the printer using the HP setup software or app, you can connect the printer
manually. On the printer control panel display, on the Finish Setup Online screen, touch More Info, touch
Manual Setup, and then follow the onscreen instructions.
3. Activate: Create an account or register your printer, and nish installing the HP printer software or the HP
All-in-One Remote app.
Learn more
Electronic Help: For Windows® users, it is available after you install the HP printer software on your computer.
For OS X users, install the electronic Help by selecting it from the recommended software during the installation
of HP printer software. Learn about product features, printing, troubleshooting, and support. Find notices,
environmental, and regulatory information, including the European Union Regulatory Notice and compliance
statements, in the Technical Information section.
Windows® 10: From the computer desktop, click the Start button, click All apps, select HP, select the icon
with the printer name, click Help, and then click Search HP Help.
Windows® 8.1: Click the down arrow in lower left corner of the Start screen, select the icon with the printer
name, click Help, and then click Search HP Help.
Windows® 8: On the Start screen, right-click an empty area on the screen, click All Apps on the app bar, select
the icon with the printer name, click Help, and then click Search HP Help.
Windows® 7, Windows Vista®, and Windows® XP: Click Start, select All Programs, select HP, select the folder
for the printer, and then select Help.

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Andere handleiding(en) van HP OfficeJet 6958

HP OfficeJet 6958 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 183 pagina's

HP OfficeJet 6958 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 188 pagina's

HP OfficeJet 6958 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 174 pagina's

HP OfficeJet 6958 Installatiehandleiding - Alle talen - 2 pagina's

Uw handleiding is per email verstuurd. Controleer uw email

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Er is een email naar u verstuurd om uw inschrijving definitief te maken.

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