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Wireless setup
Visit 123.hp.com/setup to install the HP Smart app or HP printer software to connect the printer to your
network (2.4 GHz supported).
Note for Windows® users: You can also use the HP printer software CD. If your printer does not come with a CD, you
may order one from www.support.hp.com.
If connecting the printer to your network was unsuccessful
Learn more : www.hp.com/go/wihelp for assistance on wireless setup.
Share the printer with computers and other devices on your network
After connecting the printer to your wireless network, you can share it with multiple computers and mobile devices
on the same network. On each device, install the HP Smart app or printer software from 123
Convert from a USB connection to wireless connection
Learn more: www.hp.com/go/usbtowi.
Use the printer wirelessly without a router (Wi-Fi Direct)
Make sure Wi-Fi Direct is enabled. To check the status of Wi-Fi Direct, network name and password, touch
(Wi-Fi Direct), and then touch (Settings) on the printer control panel display.
Learn more: www.hp.com/go/widirectprinting.
This product is designed for use in open environments (for example, in homes and not connected to the public
Internet) in which anyone might access and use the printer. As a result, the Wi-Fi Direct setting is in “Automatic”
mode by default, without an administrator password, which allows anyone in wireless range to connect and access
all functions and settings of the printer. If higher security levels are desired, HP recommends changing the Wi-Fi
Direct Connection Method from “Automatic” to “Manual” and establishing an administrator password. You can
change the security settings from the printer home page (embedded web server or EWS). For help on EWS, refer to
the user guide on www.hp.com/support/oj3830 or the electronic Help.
Set up fax
You can set up fax using the HP printer software (recommended) or from the printer control panel.
Windows: Use the Fax Wizard during software installation. To set up after software installation, open the printer
software by double-clicking the icon with the printer name on the desktop, go to the Print, Scan & Fax tab, and
then select Fax Setup Wizard.
OS X: After software installation, from the HP Utility, use Basic Fax Settings.
Control panel display: Touch Fax on the Home screen, and then touch Setup.
For more information, visit www.hp.com/support/oj3830.
Basic troubleshooting
Make sure you have installed the latest HP Smart app or printer software from 123.hp.com.
If you are using a USB cable, make sure the cable is securely connected and the printer is set as the default
If your computer is connected to the printer with a wireless connection, make sure the printer is connected to the
same network as the device you are printing from.
Note for Windows® users: Visit HP Diagnostic Tools at www.hp.com/go/tools to x common printer problems.

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Andere handleiding(en) van HP OfficeJet 3831

HP OfficeJet 3831 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 196 pagina's

HP OfficeJet 3831 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 196 pagina's

HP OfficeJet 3831 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 188 pagina's

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