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All specifications and information are subject to changes without further notice All specifications and information are subject to changes without further notice
Safety Precautions and Maintenance
1 Unplug the monitor before cleaning it with a slightly damp cloth.
2 Wiping the screen with a dry cloth is recommendable, and only during the
power has been switched off.
3 Do not use alcohol or ammonia-based liquids.
4 This monitor is designed with ventilation holes on the cabinet back, please
do not cover them or block it.
5 Also avoid placing the monitor near the electric heater or heater, including
in an enclosed room with no ventilations.
6 Please do not insert any matter or spray any liquid on it.
7 Please do not position the monitor on unsafe space, if it falls, it may be
damaged and may hurt the user.
8 Unplug the monitor if it is not going to be in use for an extended period of
9 Please do not put heavy items on the monitor, or electric cord.
10 Please do not open the monitor back panel because the monitor contained
high voltage current.
A signal cord
A power cable
A warranty card
A user manual please down load from HKC web-site, or mail request it
An audio cable(option)
A DVI cable(option)
16.7M high quality image colors
Smart image screen setting OSD with simple layout and easy selection
Smart control interfaces for easy settings
Basic setup
a) Insert the VGA cable (signal cord) to the PC graphic card (signal input).
b) The monitor has a wide power voltage range; it can be used on AC 100-240
50/60Hz power supply.
c) Connect the power cable to the Monitor power socket and to the power source
in the room.
d) Turn on the power source supply.
e) To switch on the monitor, press the power control on/off key

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Andere handleiding(en) van HKC 1976

HKC 1976 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

HKC 1976 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 5 pagina's

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