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H2O SteamFX™
The H2O SteamFX™ is warranted, to the original owner, for one (1) year from the date of purchase against defects in material and
workmanship under normal use and service. Should your H2O SteamFX™ prove defective within one (1) year from date of purchase, please
contact customer service immediately at the number provided below.
Please package your H2O SteamFX™ carefully to avoid damage in transit. Under this warranty, Thane Direct will repair or replace any unit
found to be defective. This warranty is effective only if the product is purchased and operated in the USA. This warranty extends only to
personal use and does not extend to any product that has been used in a manner for which it is not intended. There are no warranties other
than that expressly set forth herein. This warranty is not transferable.
Thane Direct is not responsible or liable for indirect, special or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the use or
performance of this product or other damages with respect to any economic loss, loss of property, loss of revenues or profits, loss of enjoyment
or use, costs of removal, installation, other consequential damages of whatsoever nature, failure to follow instructions or warnings in this
User’s Guide or use of the product in a manner for which it was not designed.
1. Damage due to accident, misuse, abuse or vandalism.
2. Improper or inadequate maintenance.
3. Unauthorized modification.
4. Damage in return transit.
5. Normal wear of parts (wear & tear that occurs over time and with use) including
chips, scratches, abrasions, discoloration or fading.
6. Repairs made by an unauthorized service technician.
TO OBTAIN SERVICE: The original purchaser should immediately contact our customer service representatives at 1-888-788-2808 and
depending on the extent of the service requested, the purchaser shall have the obligations and responsibility to:
• Pay for all service and parts not covered by the warranty.
• Prepay the shipping and handling.
• Carefully package the product using adequate padding material to prevent
damage in transit. The original container is ideal for this purpose.
• Include in the package: the owner’s name, address, telephone number, and
a detailed description of the problem.
• Provide the proof of purchase, which includes date of purchase.
• Send via Insured* Parcel Post or courier to: Thane Direct.
• Or otherwise as instructed by customer service.
*Thane Direct is NOT responsible for any non-insured items lost in transit
1. Unplug Power Cord from the electrical outlet and allow the appliance to cool down.
2. Always empty the Water Tank at the end of each use.
3. Wipe all surfaces of the appliance with a soft cloth.
4. Store in a protected and dry area.
1. Insert the jet nozzle into the steam outlet, and then turn the locking system to secure the jet nozzle in place.
1. Unscrew the Water Tank Cap, and use the measuring cup to put 225ml/7.5oz of water into the water tank, and then secure the cap in place.
Please follow the Lock & Unlock marking on the Water Tank Cap.
2. Plug the appliance into an electrical outlet. The Indicator Light will turn ON.
3. Wait approximately 20-30 seconds. When the steamer is ready to emit steam the Indicator Light will turn OFF. Press and hold the Steam Switch
to emit steam.
4. Slowly Pass over the surface to be cleaned.
Note: During the usage the Indicator Light will turn ON when the appliance re-heats and will turn OFF again once it reaches the operating
temperature. However, the appliance will continuously emit steam, as long as the Steam Switch is pressed and water tank filled with water,
regardless if the Indicator turns ON.
Do not touch the nozzle or any other attachments as they can get hot.
5. To stop emitting steam release the Steam Switch button.
After the Steam Switch is turned OFF steam will continue to flow for a short period of time (approximately
10 – 15 seconds) until all steam inside the entire system is released.
6. When the appliance stops emitting steam it means that the Water Tank needs to be refilled. Release the Steam Switch button and unplug the
appliance from the electrical outlet. Please fill the Water Tank with water as described in step 1 and then follow steps 2-4 above.

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