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Congratulations for the selection of this product, which has been designed with great care. To get the
best use of it, please read carefully the following instructions. Keep this instruction manual safe, you
may want to read it again later.
The START’UP 80 is designed to charge liquid or gel electrolyte lead-acid batteries, nominal voltage
of 12V (6 2V elements), and with a capacity from 45 to 170 Ah. Thanks to its BOOST function and to
a 10mn pre-charge, it enables to help starting your vehicle if necessary.
When it is not connected to the mains supply, this charger is a battery tester. It lets you know the
state of the battery. The integrated voltmeter informs you by three LEDs:
. Red: <12.3V: battery to be charged
. Orange: between 12.3 and 12.6V: middle charge
. Green: >12.6V: charged
Preliminary precautions
For indoor use, with good ventilation.
Remove the battery caps if there are, and check the level of liquid. If it is not correct, filled up with
distilled water. Clean well the battery terminals.
Check if the battery capacity (Ah) and voltage (V) are compatible with your charger.
Connection and disconnection
Do not connect to the mains supply at the beginning.
Connect the clamps (+ red, - black) to + and - battery terminals, making sure you get
a good electric contact, respecting the following order.
Connect first the battery terminal not connected to the chassis of the vehicle.
Then connect the other connection to the chassis remote from the battery and
any fuel line.
Switch on the CHARGE position.
At last, plug in your charger to 230 V 50Hz mains supply
After charging :
Disconnect the battery charger from mains supply.
Then remove the chassis connection and the battery connection, in this order.
Automatic charge
The 3 red, orange and green indicators show the battery charge condition:
Both red and orange indicators show the charge is in progress.
At 14,8V; the green indicator shows the end of the charge. The charger
automatically stops.
This function enables to let the battery indefinitely in charge, without risk.
If the charger remains in charge more than 24h (red and orange indicators on), stop the charge (see
sulfated batteries.

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