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Read and understand the
operating instructions before
using the appliance. Abide by all
the safety measures stated in the
service manual. Act responsibly toward third parties.
In case of any doubts about connection and
operation refer please to our customer center
Preserve all the documentation so that anyone who
uses the compressor can consult this beforehand.
Speci ed Conditions Of Use
The compressor can only be used for the production of
compressed air to be used at home and by handymen.
– Respecting technical data and safety precautions.
The compressed air produced by the
compressor cannot not be used for pharmaceuti-
cal, food or medical purposes or to  ll the air
bottles of scuba divers.
The compressor must be used in a suitable
environment (well ventilated with an ambient
temperature of between +5°C and +40°C) and
never in places with dust, acids, vapors, explosive
or  ammable gases.
Do not use this product in any other way as stated
for normal use. Not observing general regulations
in force and instructions from this manual does not
make the manufacturer liable for damages.
Safety instructions
WARNING! Electric shock! There is a risk of
an injury caused by electric shock!
Operation is only allowed with a safety
switch against stray current (RCD max. stray
current of 30mA).
Check the voltage. Technical data given on the type
label must correspond with electric network voltage.
Insert the plug of the electrical cable in a socket of
suitable shape, voltage and frequency complying
with current regulations.
Use extension cables with a maximum length of 5
meters and with a cable cross-section of not less than
1.5 mm
. Use of extension cables of di erent length
and cross-section and also of adapters and multiple
sockets should be avoided.
Check the cable and/or socket for damages before
the appliance putting into operation.
To avoid danger, a damaged mains supply pipe must
be replaced by the manufacturer. Do not under any
circumstances attempt any repair yourself.
Never let the compressor come into contact with
water or other liquids and never direct the jet of
liquids sprayed by tools connected to the compressor
towards the compressor: as the appliance is live, this
could cause electrocution or short-circuits.
Never use the appliance with bare feet or wet hands
or feet.
Never yank the power cable to disconnect the plug
from the power outlet or to move the compressor.
Art. No. ................................................................................................50092 .................................. 50094 ..................................50096
Service connection ................................................230 V~50 Hz ......................230 V~50 Hz ..................... 230 V~50 Hz
Motor output S3/ 50% .................................................1,84 kW ................................. 1,5 kW .................................1,1 kW
Number of cylinders ....................................................................4 ............................................ 2 ............................................2
Suction capacity ...........................................................480 l/min ............................350 l/min ...........................240 l/min
Free air delivery.............................................................300 l/min ............................210 l/min ...........................180 l/min
Max. working pressure ..................................................... 10 bar ..................................10 bar ..................................10 bar
tank capacity .............................................................................90 l ........................................25 l ..........................................5 l
Weight ......................................................................................70 kg ................................ 38,5 kg ................................... 23 kg
Degree of protection....................................................................... IP 21 .....................................IP 21 .....................................IP 21
Protection class .........................................................................................1 ............................................ 1 ............................................1
Sound power level L
* ...........................................................73 dB(A) ..............................73 db(A) ............................. 72 db(A)
*Measured according to 2005/88/EC
Technical Data
Compressor 480/10/90 350/10/25 240/10/5

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