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Read and understand the operating
instructions before using the
appliance. Familiarise with the
control elements and how to use the appliance
properly. Abide by all the safety measures stated in
the service manual. Act responsibly toward third
The operator is responsible for accidents or risks to
third parties.
In case of any doubts about connection and operati-
on refer please to our customer center
Speci ed Conditions Of Use
The replaceable attachment with the chain pruner
combined with the handle and/or extension handle
may only be used to prune trees in private gardens.
Do not use this product in any other way as stated
for normal use. Not observing general regulations
in force and instructions from this manual does not
make the manufacturer liable for damages.
Technical Data
Electrical branch chainsaw
Replaceable attachment with the
chain pruner
200/18 ASL Set 255/25 ASK 255/36 ASL 255/36 ASK
Art. No 95787 95615 95728 95726
Voltage 18 V 25,2 V 36 V 36 V
Cutting length 200 mm 255 mm 255 mm 255 mm
Cutting speed 4 m/s 4 m/s 4 m/s 4 m/s
Chain oil tank 0,1 l 0,1 l 0,15 l 0,15 l
Weight (without chain, sword, battery,
Charging equipment and with empty oil
2,15 kg 1,4 kg 2,25 kg 1,4 kg
Segment 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8”
Guiding footing thickness 1,3 mm 1,3 mm 1,3 mm 1,3 mm
Number of guiding footings 33 40 40 40
Bar length 240 mm 305 mm 305 mm 305 mm
Groove/sword 1,3 mm 1,3 mm 1,3 mm 1,3 mm
Noise details
Sound pressure level L
68,9 dB (A) 68,9 dB (A) 68,9 dB (A) 68,9 dB (A)
Measured sound power level L
88,9 dB (A) 88,9 dB (A) 88,9 dB (A) 88,9 dB (A)
Guaranteed sound power level L
93 dB (A) 93 dB (A) 93 dB (A) 93 dB (A)
Measured according to
EN 60745;
2000/14/EG; Uncertainty K = 3 dB (A)
Wear ear protectors!
Vibration details
Total vibration values (triaxial vector sum) Determined properly EN 60745
Vibration emission value a
1,63 m/s
1,63 m/s
1,63 m/s
Uncertainty K = 1,5 m/s
WARNING: The vibration emission level will vary because of the ways in which a power tool can be used and
may increase above the level given in this information sheet.
The vibration emission level may be used to compare one tool with another.
It may be used for a preliminary assessment of exposure.
An accurate estimate of the vibratory load shouldalso take into account the times when the tool isshut down
or when it is running but not actually inuse. This may signi cantly reduce the vibratoryload over the total
working period.
Identify additional safety measures to protect theoperator from the e ects of vibration such as:maintain the
tool and the accessories, keep thehands warm, organisation of work patterns.

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