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and whether there are no conditions that could nega-
tively affect the proper working of the appliance. Any
damaged parts must be professionally repaired or re-
placed by a qualified engineer. The appliance must
not be used if he switch cannot be turned on and off
Original spare parts may only be used for servicing.
The warranty will not apply when other parts are
used. Parts and accessory parts considered to be
used with this appliance may only be used. The re-
spective parts can be obtained from Güde GmbH &
Co. KG.
Special instructions for using this
electric winch
The use of this power appliance may lead to special dan-
gerous situations. The use requires a special caution to
provide safety of the operator and other persons.
Cable (pic. J/14):
Check whether the cable (14) is in a good condition and
whether fixed properly. Do not use the winch if the cable
(14) is worn through. Do not change the cable (14) for a
cable that is less firm (14).
Check whether the battery is in a good condition. Avoid
any contact with the accumulator acid or any other harmful
substances. Use appropriate eye protection equipment for
works on the battery. Let the engine run when using the
winch to prevent the battery from discharging.
Keep distance:
Do not stand in the cable pull direction. If the cable (14)
slips off or pulls apart, it gets shot in that direction. If the
winch is being operated, avoid any contact with hands,
clothing, hair or jewels near the winch. Invite another per-
son who will check whether the winch can be used safely.
Before starting the winch, make sure such person keeps
sufficient distance from the vehicle and the cable.
Performance limits:
Do not try to exceed the limit values for the pulling force of
this win ch.
Never use the hand crank (1) to “support” the winch. This
would damage the winch and could cause injuries.
Secure the pulled load before releasing the cable (14)
on the winch.
Connection of electric winch cables
The winch cables can be connected temporarily or perma-
1. Lift the rubber gasket and put the cable outlet to the
plug on the right of the winch body. Put the cable
from the winch to the battery and make sure it does
not get to the rotating parts and the risk of tripping is
2. Connect the black terminal on the cable to the vehi-
cle frame to form ground connection. Connect the red
terminal to the positive pole (+ / red) of the battery.
Notice: Make sure the battery used is a 12 V car bat-
tery or a similar battery in a good condition.
Caution: the appliance cannot be connected to a
vehicle lighter.
3. Lift the rubber gasket on the left of the winch body.
Grasp the remote control (4) and put the outlet on the
cable end to the plug on the left of the winch body.
4. Put the remote control (4) on a safe place until the
winch is ready to be operated.
1. Red and red (positive and positive) and black with
frame to be connected at all times – as ground con-
nection if the battery of the vehicle is used as a
source of current.
2. Never use the winch or any other accessory equip-
ment until
the battery gets discharged to the full extent.
3. If the engine is running when the winch is being op-
erated to make the battery charged, maximum cau-
tion is necessary for works on the vehicle and around
the vehicle.
4. Any dirty, corroded or leaking battery must not be
used as the leaking acid could cause a risk of injury.
5. For all works on the battery or with the battery, pro-
tective glasses meeting applicable requirements for
works of that type must be worn.
Winch installation
The winch has been dimensioned in a way it can be
temporarily installed using foxing equipment for at-
1. Hook the adapter plate (9) to the winch basic plate
(D) using the three pin screws.
2. The assembly comprising the winch and adapter
plate (9) can be fastened to the attachment by putting
the spherical head through the given opening in the
adapter plate (9).
Using the winch
1. Put the vehicle transmission to an idle position (never
use the winch when a gear is engaged or the park
braking system applied as the vehicle transmission
could get damaged). Apply the hand brake. Support
the wheels by suitable wedges to prevent the vehicle
from moving.
2. To lift the cable (14), press the respective switch (H-
I/b) on the remote control (4) and put it out of the coil
with slight tension. Leave at least three cable wind-
ings on the coil at all times to prevent the cable from
pulled out of the coil.
3. Hook the cable (14) using the hauling rope, chain or
hook it in any other suitable manner to the pulled ob-
ject. Never put the cable around any object and then
hook directly to the rope as the pulled item would get
damaged by this and the cable could pull apart or
4. Move back to a safe place from where operate the
remote control (4) switch (b) in a way to draw the ca-
ble and pull the item using the winch in the required
5. When lowering the load, press the respective remote
control switch and release slowly.
1. If the winch is being operated, avoid any contact with
hands, clothing, hair or jewels near the drum and ca-
ble (14).
2. Never use the winch if the cable (14) is frayed, broken
or damaged.
3. Never let anyone standing near the cable (14) or at
the winch in line with the cable (14) if pulling force is
being applied on the cable (14). If the cable (14) slips
off or gets broken, it may suddenly shoot backward
and put all bystanders at risk. If the winch is being
operated, all persons must be in sufficient side dis-
tance from the winch.

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