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Please read this instruction manual thoroughly
prior to using this appliance! Follow all safety
instructions in order to avoid damages due to
improper use!
Keep the instruction manual for future reference.
Should this appliance be given to a third party,
then this instruction manual must also be handed
Always keep hair, clothing and any other
utensils away from the appliance during
operation in order to prevent injury and dam-
The appliance is designed for domestic use
only. Warranty will be voided if the appliance
is used for industrial or commercial purposes.
Observe these instructions in order to prevent
damage to the appliance or danger arising
from improper use.
Do not use on wet surfaces and do not at-
tempt to use on wet objects.
Do not use the appliance in wet surroundings.
Do not use the appliance with wet hands.
This appliance is designed for vacuuming dirt
and dust particles. Do not attempt to use on
large objects which could block and damage
the appliance.
Do not use to clean cigarette stubs, ash from
a fireplace or matches. This could cause a
This appliance is not designed for cleaning
people or animals.
Do not insert any foreign objects into the
suction intake. Always keep the suction intake
free of all objects.
Do not position the appliance standing
upright when in use.
Do not roll the appliance over the power
Do not pull the power cord around sharp
edges and do not squash it.
If you move the appliance to another room,
always disconnect the power cord and carry
the appliance by the handle.
Never move the appliance by pulling on the
power cord.
Never operate the appliance without the dust
bag and filter.
Change the filter when necessary.
Only use original GRUNDIG accessories or
Swirl dust bags for replacement.
Check if the mains voltage on the rating label
corresponds to your local mains supply. The
only way to disconnect the appliance from
the mains is to pull out the plug.
Always pull out the power cord before clean-
ing or carrying out any maintenance on the
Avoid using extension cables or multipoint
connectors. Plug the appliance directly in a
wall socket if possible.
For additional protection, this appliance
should be connected to a household residual
current device with a maximum rating of
30 mA. Consult your electrician for advice.
Pull out the power plug after use. Do not
disconnect the plug by pulling on the cable.
Do not close any doors on top of the power
Never use if the appliance or the power cord
is visibly damaged. This also applies if the ap-
pliance has accidentally become wet. Please
contact a service centre in this case.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Grundig VCC 9851 Bodyguard Eco

Grundig VCC 9851 Bodyguard Eco Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 18 pagina's

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