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3 Clean the cyclone separator and the dust
bin with a soft brush and wipe
with a damp cloth.
Dry completely the separator thoroughly
before replacing.
The cyclone separator should not be sub-
merged in water.
Never use detergents or boiling water to
wash the filters.
The dust container, including cyclone separa-
tor must be inserted before the appliance is
started as otherwise the motor will be dam-
4 Replace the dust container as directed. Make
sure that the cyclone separator is positioned
properly so that the notches on the sides of it
are lined up with the locking pins on the dust
Cleaning the motor
protective filter
1 Press the dust container button L and remove
the dust container
2 Press the latch and take off the motor protec-
tive filter cover.
3 Remove the filter by pulling the tab towards
4 Separate the foam filter from the mesh cas-
sette. Each filter can be tapped against the
side of a dust bin for removal of the excess
5 Shake out the filter, wash it in warm water
(maximum 40ºC), thoroughly well and leave
to air dry.
Never put the filter into the washing machine
or dry it with a hair dryer.
Ensure the filter is completely dry before put-
ting it back into the cleaner. Allow to air dry
for 24 hours before replacing.
Do not use detergents or boiling water to
wash the filter.
The filter must be inserted before the appli-
ance is started as otherwise the motor will be
6 Insert the motor protective filters and cassette
back into the appliance when they are com-
pletely dry. Attach the motor protective filter
cover before restarting the appliance.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Grundig VCC 7070

Grundig VCC 7070 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 14 pagina's

Grundig VCC 7070 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 15 pagina's

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