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Pagina verder
Batteries, including those which do not contain
heavy metal, should not be disposed of with
household waste. Always dispose of used bat-
teries in accordance with local environmental
Never open the device casing. No warranty
claims are accepted for damage caused by in-
correct handling.
The device is designed for the playback of audio
signals. Any other use is expressly prohibited.
Protect the device from moisture (water drops or
splashes). Do not place any vessels such as vas-
es on the device. These may be knocked over
and spill fluid on the electrical components, thus
presenting a safety risk.
Do not place any naked flames such as candles
on the device.
Make sure the device is adequately ventilated.
Do not cover the ventilation slots with newspa-
pers, table cloths, curtains, etc.
When deciding where to place the device,
please note that furniture surfaces are covered
by various types of varnish and plastic, most of
which contain chemical additives. These addi-
tives can corrode the device supports, leaving
residues on the furniture surfaces which can be
difficult or impossible to remove.
Do not use any cleaning agent, as this may dam-
age the casing. Clean the device with a clean,
moist leather cloth.
Do not expose the back-up battery to extreme
heat, caused for example by direct sunlight,
heaters or fire.
This product contains a coin/button cell battery.
Keep the device and the battery away from chil-
If the coin/button cell battery is swallowed, it
can cause severe internal burns in just 2 hours
and can may lead to death. If you think batter-
ies might have been swallowed or placed inside
any part of the body, seek immediate medical
Keep new and used batteries away from chil-
dren. If the battery compartment does not colse
securely, stop using the product and keep it
away from children.
Remove the batteries when they are flat or when
you know that the device will not be used for a
long period of time. The manufacturer accepts
no liability for damage caused by leaking bat-

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Andere handleiding(en) van Grundig SONOCLOCK 935 IP

Grundig SONOCLOCK 935 IP Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 11 pagina's

Grundig SONOCLOCK 935 IP Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 11 pagina's

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