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Technical data
This device is noise-suppressed
according to the applicable EU
This product fulfils the European
directives 2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC and
The type plate is located on the bottom of the
Power supply:
Mains operation: 230 V
50/60 Hz
Battery operation: 6 x 1.5 V (R20/UM1/D size)
Max. power consumption:
Operation: 14,5 W, Standby: ≤ 1 W
DIN 45342 10% THD
Sine wave power: 2 x 1.5 W
Audio power: 2 x 3 W
Reception range:
FM 87.5 ...108.0 MHz
MW 522 ... 1.620 kHz
CD unit
Frequency response:
20 Hz ... 16 kHz
Noise voltage ratio:
(wtd.) ≥ 68 dB
MP3/WMA features
Folder and track:
Max. 511 tracks, including number of folder
File system/file management:
ISO 9660 Level 1 compatible
Tape unit
Sound recording medium: compact cassette
according to DIN 45516
Track position: international quarter-track
Tape speed: 4.76 cm/sec.
Motor: DC motor
Frequency range: 125 Hz ... 8 kHz
Noise voltage ratio: ≥ 42 dB
Speed fluctuation: ≤ 0,35%
Dimensions and weight
W x H x D 400 x 143 x 235 mm
Weight: 2.8 kg
Technical and design modifications are reserved.
Environmental note
This product is manufactured from
high-quality parts and materials
which can be reused and recyc-
Therefore, do not dispose of the product along
with normal household waste at the end of its
service life. Take it to a collection point for the
recycling of electrical and electronic equipment.
The symbol on the product, in the operating ma-
nual or on the packaging indicates that recycling
is possible.
Please find out about collection points operated
by your local authority.
Help protect the environment by recycling used
Cleaning the CD and CD unit
If the device is unable to scan CDs properly, use
a standard, commercially available cleaning CD
to clean the laser optics. Other cleaning methods
may damage the laser optics.
Use a lint-free cloth for cleaning the CD and al-
ways wipe it from the inside out in a straight line.
Do not use cleaning agents for conventional vinyl
discs, nor any solvents or abrasive cleaners.
Cleaning the tape drive
To guarantee good recording and playback qua-
lity, clean the parts shown after every 50 hours of
use, or once a month.
Open the tape compartment, moisten a cotton
swab with alcohol or a special head-cleaning
fluid and clean the idler, the capstan and the ma-
gnetic heads. Close the tape compartment. You
can also play a cleaning cassette to clean the
magnetic heads.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Grundig RRCD 1350 MP3

Grundig RRCD 1350 MP3 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 15 pagina's

Grundig RRCD 1350 MP3 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

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