Pagina terug
Pagina verder
Resetting the television to its original state.....72
Restore default settings.....28
Reveal answer.....38
Screen share with Liveshare connection.....80
Searching and selecting the active external
Searching channels by name in the Channel
Searching for all digital channels from a satellite
Searching for channels from the cable provider
Searching for channels from the cable provider
Searching for digital television channels from a
satellite manually.....92
Searching for digital terrestrial TV channels
Searching for digital terrestrial TV channels
Searching forward.....52
Searching television channels with satellite
signal (DVB-S).....21
Selecting a broadcast from the
recorded files list.....46
Selecting a partition on the external media.....41
Selecting a track or picture in steps (SKIP).....52
Selecting AV channels.....31
Selecting channel lists.....103
Selecting channels.....31
Selecting external data media.....41
Selecting internet applications.....57
Selecting partition on HD files.....52
Selecting stations from lists.....31
Selecting the channel position for a mobile
Selecting the digital media server.....53
Selecting the display duration of the slide
Selecting the display mode.....49
Selecting the HDMI source from the
Selecting the menu.....41
Selecting the menu language.....73
Selecting the operating mode.....31
Selecting the volume for the headphones.....77
Selecting titles on HD files.....52
Sequencing channels in the Channel
Service information for dealers.....106
Set the lead/follow-up time.....44
Setting all analogue television channels.....101
Setting further channels.....91
Settings for connecting to the home
Settings in the USB setup menu.....49
Setting up or hanging.....11
Setting up with stand.....11
Set-up and safety.....5
Skipping the waiting time.....38
Sleep timer.....33
SMART Inter@ctive TV 3.0 Feature.....55
SMART Inter@ctive TV 4.0 internet
Software of the device.....70
Software update (Internet).....70
Software update (OAD).....70
Software update (USB).....70
Sorting channels in the favorites list.....25
Sound Mode.....29
Sound settings.....29
Special features of your television set.....7
Splitting the screen (Split Screen).....38
Stereo/dual channel.....29
Store logo view.....62
Subtitle Mode.....61
Subtitle settings.....50
Switching off the external device from standby
Switching on and off.....31
Switching the device to standby.....74
Switching to automatic preview.....49
Teletext Mode.....38
Testing external data media.....41
The Digi Link functions of the television.....73
The file browser.....49
The main menu of the file browser.....49

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Andere handleiding(en) van Grundig 55GFB6625

Grundig 55GFB6625 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 116 pagina's

Grundig 55GFB6625 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 15 pagina's

Grundig 55GFB6625 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 120 pagina's

Grundig 55GFB6625 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

Grundig 55GFB6625 Snelstart handleiding - English - 14 pagina's

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