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Risk of electrical accident
Do not open the TV set. Safety risk may
arise and also the guarantee of the
product can be void if the television set is
The TV set can only be operated with the
power cable or the AC/DC adapter sup-
plied with the product.
Do not operate the TV set with a dam-
aged power cord/AC/DC adaptor (if
If the plug on the TV set has an earthing
contact, only insert the plug into a socket
with an earthing contact.
Plug the TV set into the mains socket only
after you have connected the external
devices and the antenna.
Protect the TV set from moisture. Do not
place any vessels filled with water (such
as vases) on the TV.
Fire hazard
To prevent the spread of fire,
keep candles or other open
flames away from this product
at all times.
Do not cover the ventilation slots on the
TV set.
Always unplug the power plug and an-
tenna plug during a thunderstorm.
Keep candles or other open flames away
from the TV set.
Do not expose the batteries to extreme
heat such as sunshine, fire or the like.
Only use batteries of the same type
(brand, size, properties). Do not use used
and new batteries together.
Injuries caused by falling TV set
Never place the TV set on an unstable sur-
face. The TV set may fall, causing serious
injury, possibly leading to death in isolated
Observe the following precautions:
Only use the manufacturer’s recommend-
ed cabinets or stands.
Only use furniture that can safely support
the TV set.
Make sure that the TV set does not
protrude beyond the dimensions of the
furniture on which it is resting.
Do not place the TV set on tall furniture
(such as kitchen cabinets, bookshelves)
without securely anchoring the furniture
and TV set.
Do not place the TV set on fabric or other
materials located between the TV set and
Instruct children that there is danger as-
sociated with climbing on furniture when
the TV set is to be reached.
Shortened service life due to high
operating temperature
Do not place the TV set next to heating
units or in direct sunlight.
To ensure adequate ventilation, maintain
clearance of at least 10 cm around the
TV set.
Discolouration of furniture due to
rubber feet
Some furniture surfaces may discolour
when they come in contact with rubber.
To protect furniture, you can place a
sheet made of glass or plastic under the
stand. Do not use textile underlays or
mats such as doilies.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Grundig 49GUB9772

Grundig 49GUB9772 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 121 pagina's

Grundig 49GUB9772 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 15 pagina's

Grundig 49GUB9772 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

Grundig 49GUB9772 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 120 pagina's

Grundig 49GUB9772 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 123 pagina's

Grundig 49GUB9772 Snelstart handleiding - Français - 15 pagina's

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