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About Your TV
Fire TV allows you to access your favorite
TV shows, movies, subscription services,
songs, pictures and games.
You can use your TV to watch TV shows
on DVB-S, DVB-T and DVB-C
Many features of the TV set require
an Internet connection. The TV set is
equipped with WLAN feature and a LAN
Intended use
The TV set is designed for use in dry
Use the TV set with the supplied stand or
a suitable VESA bracket.
The TV set is primarily intended for the
playback of TV programs, streaming
content and music/video material from
external devices. Any other use is strictly
It is not intended as an information dis-
play or for predominant use as a comput-
er monitor. If a still image or a non-full-for-
mat image is displayed for an extended
period, visible traces may remain on the
screen for some time.
This is not a defect that can be used as
the basis for a warranty claim.
Transporting the product
Unplug the product before transportation.
Disconnect antenna cable and other exter-
nal devices connected to the TV set. If you
have kept the original product box, use it
to pack the product. If you have not kept
the original product box, wrap the product
in bubble wrap or a thick cardboard. Pay
attention to avoid damages during trans-
Risk of electrical accident
Immediately followed by:Read all safety
warnings, instructions, illustrations and
specifications provided with this appliance.
Standby LED is off while mains plug is
disconnected. If Standby LED is lit then it
means that your product is connected to
Do not dismantle the TV set. Safety risks
may arise and also the guarantee of the
product can become void if the television set
is dismantled.
The TV set can only be operated with
the power cable or the AC/DC adapter
supplied with the product.
Do not operate the TV set with a
damaged power cable/AC/DC adaptor
(if supplied).
If the plug on the TV set has an earthing
contact, insert the plug only into a socket
with an earthing contact.
Plug the TV set into the mains socket only
after you have connected the external
devices and the antenna.
Protect the TV set from moisture. Do not
place any vessels filled with water (such
as vases) on the TV.
Fire hazard
To prevent a potential fire,
keep candles and other open
flames away from this product
at all times.
Do not cover the ventilation slots on the
TV set.
Always unplug the power plug and an-
tenna plug during a thunderstorm.
Keep candles or other open flames away
from the TV set.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Grundig 49GUB7065

Grundig 49GUB7065 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 99 pagina's

Grundig 49GUB7065 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 17 pagina's

Grundig 49GUB7065 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 99 pagina's

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