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File formats
Your television can work with the following file formats using
the USB sockets:
Video data
Special codecs for video compression and decompression
provide more memory space without compromising the picture
quality excessively.
Your television plays video files in the formats DIVS, XVID,
H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (L4.1, 4 reference pictures), MPEG-4,
The following file name extensions are also supported: AVI,
MKV, MP4, TS, MOV, MPG, DAT, VOB. These files can also
contain audio files compressed using MP3, AAC or Dolby
Audio data
Your television can play audio data in the formats MP3, AAC.
MP3 is the abbreviation for MPEG-1 Level 3 and is based on
the MPEG-1 standard, which was developed by the MPEG
(Motion Picture Expert Group).
AAC stands for Advanced Audio Coding and was also de-
veloped by MPEG. AAC provides better sound quality at an
identical data rate.
These formats allow audio files to be recorded and played
which sound as good as a CD, while taking up only a fraction
of the memory space.
File name extensions which are supported: MP3, MP2, M4A,
MP3 files can be organised into folders and subfolders, as on
the computer.
Image data
Your television can display pictures in the formats JPEG, PNG
and BMP.
JPEG stands for Joint Picture Experts Group.
It denotes a process for compressing picture files.
PNG and BMP are process used to save image data with no,
or very little, losses.
Picture files can be stored with other types of files on one me-
These files can be organised into folders and subfolders.
The file browser
The file browser displays video, audio and picture files stored
on external data media.
If an external data medium contains files in different formats,
you can, when necessary, filter out the formats not required.
Main menu of the file browser
1 Selected data format.
2 Name of the data medium.
3 Total number of folders on the data medium.
4 Preview of the selected file.
5 Information on the external data medium.
6 Menu navigation.
Used (MB) 475
Total (MB) 45
Use Control
26 5

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Andere handleiding(en) van Grundig 32VLE675

Grundig 32VLE675 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 63 pagina's

Grundig 32VLE675 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

Grundig 32VLE675 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 60 pagina's

Grundig 32VLE675 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 60 pagina's

Grundig 32VLE675 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 17 pagina's

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