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Hydrogen amplifiers
Due to their state- of- the- art technology and high efficiency, these amplifiers help your system to provide an
impressive sound experience. The modern circuit technology of the power supply and the signal processing allows
achieving maximum performance levels from the provided power.
Tools and materials you need
Electric drill, 3 mm / 0.12” carbide drill bit
Mounting screws
Power wire min. 16 mm² / 5 AWG
Ground wire min. 16 mm² / 5 AWG
Speaker wire min. 2 x 1,5 mm² / 15 AWG
Please note!
As a precaution it is advisable to disconnect the vehicle’s battery before making connection
to the +12 Volts supply wiring (see owner’s manual of your car for further information).
Please use great caution drilling your trunk. Your gas tank and brake lines can be damaged by
puncturing with your drill bit – this could cause damage or failure of your cars operating systems.
Never pass wires over sharp angles. It is recommended to buffer the power supply of the amplifier
with an capacitor min. 1 Farad to guarantee a stable operation voltage.
High powered audio systems in a vehicle are capable of generating "Live Concert" levels of sound pressure.
Continued exposure to excessively high volume sound levels may cause hearing loss or damage. Also, operation
of a motor vehicle while listening to audio equipment at high volume levels may impair your ability to hear
external sounds such as; horns, warning signals, or emergency vehicles, thus constituting to a potential traffic
hazard. In the interest of safety, Consumer Electronics recommends listening at lower volume levels while driving.
Planning your system
Before beginning the installation, consider the following:
a. If you plan to expand your system by adding other components sometime in the future, ensure
adequate space is left, and cooling requirements are met.
b. If your radio / source is equipped with pre-amp outputs, it is possible to utilize them to drive the
amplifier and connecting (amplifier) to the 2 rear speakers.
Mounting your amplifier
a. Select a suitable location that is convenient for mounting, is accessible for wiring
and has ample room for air circulation and cooling.
b. Use the amplifier as a template to mark the mounting holes, remove the amplifier
Chose a mounting position where all eclectic wires are protected from being damaged by sharp edges, heat or
other conditions. +12Volt DC electrical connections must be fused on the battery side. Make sure your radio and
all other devices will be turned off while connection your system.
If you need to replace the power fuse, replace it only with a fuse identical to that supplied with the system. Using
a fuse of different type or rating may result in damage to this system which isn’t covered by the warranty.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ground zero GZHA 5125 X

Ground zero GZHA 5125 X Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 48 pagina's

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