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General Description
See page 2 for illustrations.
1 Contact protection guard
2 Safety blade
3 Hand protection
4 Loop grip with deadman switch
5 Vents
6 Grip adjustment release
7 On/off switch
8 Tension relief
9 Five-position adjustable grip
10 Mains cable
11 Blade protection
Function Description
The electric hedge trimmer is driven by
an electronic motor. The equipment is
double-insulated for safety and does not
require earthing.
The hedge trimmer is equipped with a dou-
ble-sided safety cutter bar. When cutting,
the blades move backwards and forwards
in linear motion. The impact protection on
the tip of the cutter bar prevents unpleas-
ant recoils should the trimmer come into
contact with walls, fences and so on.
The unit can only be operated with the
deadman switch depressed, in order to
protect the operator. In addition, the hand
guard protects against branches and briars.
Please note the following descriptions for
the function of the operating components
Scope of delivery
- Electric hedge trimmer
- Blade protection
- Instruction Manual
Operating the Hedge
Note noise protection and local
specications. The use of the
equipment on certain days (e.g.
Sundays and national holidays), at
certain times of day (lunch times,
night time quiet periods) or in spe-
cial areas (e.g. health resorts, clin-
ics etc.) is restricted or forbidden.
The blades continue to move for
a while after the equipment is
switched off. Allow the blades to
come to a complete standstill. Do
not touch the moving blades and
do not brake them. Risk of injury!
Switching On and Off
Ensure that you are standing in a
rm position with both hands grip-
ping the hedge trimmer away from
the body. Ensure that the trimmer
is in contact with no other objects
before switching on.
1. For tension relief of the cable,
form a loop of the end of the
extension cable and bring this

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