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The Graupner PROFI-ULTRASOFT-Module 256k
offers the modeller practically all currently imaginable
functions for the operation of the most diverse types
of sailplanes and powered models, including such
complex ones as helicopters. The programs have
been developed on the basis of practical experience,
in close cooperation with renowned model flyers and,
as a result leave barely anything to be desired even
for, and in, hard contest environments. The clear,
logical design of the various functions, however,
enables even the less experienced model flyer to take
advantage of these programs in everyday flying
conditions and operation.
The complexity of the program and their extreme
specialisation on specific model types require
separating this programming manual into three
sections: a general section which concerns all model
types in like manner, another section for fixed-wing
power models and sailplane models and a third one
for helicopter models. Power models and sailplanes
are named fixed-wing models here, to distinguish
them from helicopter models.
Fixed-wing model and helicopter sections are
arranged in two parts each: the detailed description of
the options, which may be called under their specific
code numbers, plus a compilation of programming
examples which can be used as they are presented
here or modified to suit one’s own application
The numbering of the options has been chosen to suit
in-house technical deliberation. Their description,
however, follows the sequential order in which they’ll
normally be called when performing the setting-up
process of a new model.
The high flexibility of adaptability to individual
requirements or demands of the operator necessitate
the provision of specific allocations before calling and
setting up the options depending on them. Thus the
possibility of free allocation of the FUAL RATE
switches necessitates for example the
determination of this allocation, before the DUAL
RATE values can be adjusted. The same holds true,
in similar manner, for other options, in particular those
of the helicopter programs.
The beginner and less experienced model flyer will be
advised to study and use the programming examples,
as practically usable adjustments can then be made
in the shortest possible time, with the essential
operational steps being learned at the same time.
This applies to the helicopter gyro in particular, which
is enabled to adjust a sensible selection of the
extensive offering of the helicopter options, and to
learn to use them in the process. However, the
experienced R/C pilot will benefit as well in studying
the programming examples thoroughly and practising
the described adjustments, thereby getting familiar
with the operation and handling of the transmitter.
In order to spare the user cross-referencing and the
bothersome turning of pages from one section to
another, both the fixed-wing and helicopter sections
contain descriptions of ALL available options,
irrespective of whether descriptions have been
published previously. This part of the text may appear
several times in this manual, as this will help simplify
the use of the
All functions of the PROFI-ULTRASOFT-MODUL are
compatible with any of the MC-18 transmitters. With
transmitters up to the ’88 series only seven models
can be stored without back-up copy, however,
Conversion from 7 to 30 models storage capacity can
be performed by the Graupner Service.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Graupner MC18

Graupner MC18 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 188 pagina's

Graupner MC18 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 58 pagina's

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