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EN Instructions
Customer Service / Importer:
DS Produkte GmbH, Am Heisterbusch 1, 19258 Gallin, Germany •
+49 38851 314650 *)
*) Calls to German landlines are subject to charges. The cost varies depending on the service provider.
All rights reserved.
Dear customer,
We are delighted that you have decided on this Julienne and
spiral slicer. If you have any questions on the product or identi-
fy any product defects, please contact customer service via our
website: www.service-shopping.de
Explanation of symbols
Safety instructions: Read carefully and follow to prevent
personal injury and damage to property.
Suitable for use with food.
This product enables you to slice vegetables into strips. It is
not suitable for frozen foods.
Risk of suffocation! Keep children and animals away from
the packaging material.
Risk of injury! The blades are sharp. Take care when han-
dling the product! Never slice smaller food items (pieces of
food) without the nger guard! Only grasp the nger guard on
the handle. Do not reach too far down!
Clean the product thoroughly before rst use as some pro-
duction residues may be stuck to it. Also clean the product
directly after use to prevent the build-up of germs!
Do not use any scouring or abrasive cleaners or cleaning
pads for cleaning. They may damage the surface. Clean all
parts with clean, warm water and a small amount of mild de-
tergent or in the dishwasher.
Do not use the product if it is damaged.
Do not subject the product to extreme temperatures, severe
changes in temperature, direct sunlight or long-lasting mois-
Only use the product as instructed. Any other use is deemed
The product is designed for private use and is not intended
for commercial use.
Defects arising due to improper handling, damage or at-
tempts at repair are excluded from the warranty. This also
applies to normal wear and tear.
00962 – white-bright green 06166 – black-copper-coloured
01121 – black-silver 07293 – white-limegreen
04246 – white-red 09723 – limegreen-white
05418 – white-pastel green 09873 – stainless steel-black
06135 – black-berry
Product overview
1 Knife insert
2 Slicer
3 Finger guard
Ilustration similar.
1. Wash the vegetables (carrot, cucumber etc.) and if neces-
sary, peel it.
2. An arrow is located on a bracket
of the knife insert. If you want to
slice slightly broader strips, insert
the knife insert in the slicer with
the arrow pointing towards the
broader grooves on the slicer. If
you want to slice ne strips, the
arrow must point towards the nar-
row grooves.
3. Spear short pieces of vegetable
on the nger guard. Hold the slicer
with one hand. Put the vegetable
in the knife insert and turn it / the
nger guard. Apply gentle pres-
sure in the process.
4. Rinse off all parts immediately af-
ter use. Do not allow any food to
dry onto the product!
You can also slice very broad strips. To do so, only use
the knife insert without the slicer.
Dispose of the packaging in an environmentally-friendly
manner and make it available to the collection service for
recyclable materials. Dispose of the product in an envi-
ronmental-friendly manner.
JuSS M DS V6 0917

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