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Instructions for Use
Upright Refrigerator - Freezer GB
Thank you for your trust and for buying this appliance.
We hope it will successfully serve the purpose for many years.
Upright Refrigerator - Freezer is a houshold appliance and it
consists of the refrigerator (the upper part) and freezer (the
lower part).
Refrigerator is for domestic use only and is used for storing
fresh foods at the temperature of 0°C and higher.
Freezer is for domestic use and is used for freezing fresh
foods and storing frozen foods (up to one year, depending on
the kind of food you store).
Before Putting Into Use................................................ 12
Instructions for Use
We Care for the Environment
Tips for Energy Savings
Important ...................................................................... 13
Storing Time During Power Supply Interruption
Disposing of the Worn Out Appliance
Placing and Installation ............................................... 13
Choosing the Right Place
Placing the Appliance
Connection to Power Supply
Description of the Appliance ....................................... 14
Refrigerator (A)
Freezer (B)
REFRIGERATOR........................................................ 15
Freezer (B)
Temperature Selection
Use.................................................................................. 15
Storing Fresh Foods
Operation Control
Control panel
ON/OFF Switch (1)
Operation Mode Selection Switch (2)
Sound alarm button, red light (3)
Temperature Selection (4)
External Temperature Meter
Use ..................................................................................16
Freezing Fresh Foods
Storing Frozen Foods
Defrosting of Frozen Food
Changing the Direction of Opening the Door .............17
Maintenance and Cleaning...........................................18
Automatic Defrosting of the Refrigerator
Freezer Defrosting
Cleaning the Appliance
Switch Off the Appliance When Not In Use
Trouble-Shooting Guide ...............................................18
Before Putting Into Use
Before connecting the appliance to the mains supply, leave it
stand for about 2 hours, which will reduce a possibility of
malfunctions in the cooling system due to transport handling.
Clean the appliance, and be thorough, especially in the
interior (See Cleaning and Maintenance).
In case the interior accessories are not correctly placed,
rearrange them as described in chapter Description of the
Instructions for Use
These instructions for use are intended for the user. They
describe the appliance and its correct and safe use. They were
prepared for various types/models of appliances therefore you
may find in it description of some functions and accesories that
your appliance does not have.
We Care for the Environment
Our products use environmentally friendly packaging, which
can be either recycled or disposed of in an environmentally
friendly manner. To this end, individual packaging materials
are clearly marked.
These instructions are printed either on recycled paper or
chlorine free bleached paper.
When your appliance finally wears out, please try not to
burden the environment with it; call your nearest authorised
service agent. (See Disposing of the Worn Out Appliance)
Tips for Energy Savings
This is especially important if you have an upright model.
Every now and then check if the appliance is sufficiently
ventilated (adequate air circulation behind the appliance).
Set thermostat to lower settings as soon as possible
(depends on the amount of food loaded, ambient
temperature etc).
Never use continuous operation unless unnecessarily
required; switch the operation mode selection switch to the
setting for automatic operation as soon as possible.
Before loading the appliance with packages of fresh foods,
make sure they are cooled to ambient temperature.
Ice and frost layer increase energy consumption, so do
clean the appliance as soon as the layer is 3-5 mm thick.
If the gasket is damaged or if it turns out that the sealing is
poor, the energy consumption is substantially higher. To
restore efficiency, replace the gasket.
The condenser on the rear wall should be always clean, free
of dust or any impurities.
Always consider instructions stated in sections Positioning
and Energy Saving Tips, otherwise the energy consumption
is substantially higher.

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