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Instructions for Use, Building- in and Connecting
Gas built-in cooking hob GB IE MT
Dear Buyer,
This electric built-in cooktop is manufactured for
household use.
Our appliances are packed in the environmentally
friendly materials which may be recycled,
deposited or destroyed without any hazard to the
environment. Such packaging materials are also
labeled accordingly.
Once the life cycle your appliance is over, make
sure not to pollute the environment, and deliver it
to the authorized collectors of old household
Instructions for use
Instructions for use have been prepared for the
user, and describe the appliance and the way it is
handled. These instructions are intended for
various types of the appliance, so you may find
some descriptions for the functions that your
particular appliance may not have.
Instructions for connecting the
The connections must be carried out in
accordance with the instructions supplied with the
appliance, and in compliance with the recognized
Connections must be performed by qualified
personnel only.
Rating plate
Rating plate with the basic information is fixed to
the bottom side of the hob.
Safety precautions........................................... 3
Glass ceramic hob
Special warning for glass ceramic hob
Technical information .................................... 4
Description of the appliance........................... 4
Gas burner control.......................................... 4
Safety cautions in regard to the cooking zones
Ignition and operation of burners
Cleaning and maintenance ............................. 6
Cooktop burners
Cleaning and maintenance of ceramic-glass
hob .................................................................... 6
Troubleshooting guide .................................... 7
Installation instructions .................................. 8
Caution !
Dimensions of the built-in hob opening
Installation procedure
Connecting the cooktop to the gas supply..... 9
Safety precautions
Conversion to another type of gas
Setting elements
Nozzle chart - glas ceramic hob

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