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Washing machine controls the operation of particular functions during washing. If irregularities
are detected, the fault is signaled by displaying a message (Fx) on the display, and by rhythmical
ashing of the LEDs. The machine signals the fault as soon as it is detected, and the program
progress is paused. If the fault is in the heating system, the machine completes the washing
program, but without the heating function.
If the fault is signaled during washing machine operation, the error code and remaining washing
time are indicated alternately on the display.
The fault is indicated until the washing machine is turned off.
2 - Two ashes: door is not correctly closed
3 - Three ashes: inappropriate water intake
7 - Seven ashes: inappropriate water outlet.
In these cases, you will be able to remedy the failure by yourself (See Troubleshooting table).
1 - One ash: temperature sensor failure
4 - Four ashes: spinning sensor failure
5 - Five ashes: motor failure
6 - Six ashes: Heater failure
In these cases, turn off the machine, then turn it back on and repeat the program. If the failure
reoccurs, contact your nearest authorized service center. The LEDs will continue to ash until the
machine is turned off.
Various interferences from the environment (e.g. electric devices) may also cause the machine to
signal faults. In such case:
- turn off the appliance and wait a few seconds;
- turn on the appliance and repeat the washing program.
If the fault reoccurs, call the service center.
The warranty does not cover faults caused by interference from the environment (lightning strike,
electric circuit, natural disasters, etc.).
• Insert the lter back as shown on the picture, and tighten by
turning it in clockwise direction. To ensure good sealing the
gasket surface (A) must be dirt free.

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