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Place the appliance on a level and stable surface.
The appliance is intended solely for household
Do not use attachments, accessories, or other
parts provided by other manufacturers not
expressly recommended by Gorenje In case of
use of such attachments or accessories, the
warranty shall be void.
Preparing for use
1. Remove the packaging
2. Clean the appliance as instructed in the chapter
3. When inserting the inner pot, make sure the
bottom is clean. When the inner pot is inserted
into the pressure cooker, rotate it slightly in
both directions to make sure it sits correctly in
4. Make sure the sealing ring is correctly installed.
5. Wait until the appliance cools down and clean it.
Using the appliance
Control panel
Button explanation
Button: to start preset program.
Button: to select preset program.
Button: to cancel working. In standby
mode, keep warm function will start when this
button is pressed.
Button: to change cooking time or/and
set delayed start.
Button: to set hours. By holding this button
hours are added rapidly.
Button: to set minutes. By holding this button
minutes are added rapidly.
Setting time
Press together and for 3 sec and
then set minutes by pressing and hours by
pressing . When done wait for 3 sec and
time will be set.
Starting cooking programs P01 to P03
Those programs are fully automatic.
Cooking time is determent by the amount of
ingredients you put into the appliance.
Multi cooker has build in scale that weights and
adjust cooking time in accordance with the amount
of ingredients you put in.
Press button to select the program P01,
P02 or P03.
Press to start the program.
Display will show local time!
When cooking is finished, buzzer will ring and
keep warm function will start. Display will
show . Keep warm function will keep your
food warm for maximum 11 hours.
Press to cancel keep warm function and
put the cooker in stand-by mode.
Cooking programs default time table:
Time range
P08“Slow cook”

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