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Never clean the beaters, dough hooks
or blending attachment under running
water while they are still connected to
the main body.
Take care that the beaters, dough
hooks and blending attachment do not
touch the power cable while operating
the unit.
If the power supply cord is damaged
during use, disconnect the appliance
from the power supply immediately. Do
not touch the power supply cord before
disconnecting from the power supply .
Disconnect the appliance from the
power supply when not in use, before
fitting or removing parts and before
All repairs of electrical appliances
must only be performed by skilled
personnel. Improper repairs can
result in Considerable hazards for
the user.
In case of damages, the power cord
must be changed only by the skilled
service - personnel.
This appliance can be used by children
aged from 8 years and above and
persons with reduced physical, sensory
or mental capabilities or lack of
experience and knowledge if they have
been given supervision or instruction
concerning use of the appliance in a
safe way and understand the hazards
Children shall not play with the
Cleaning and maintenance shall not be
made by children unless they are older
than 8 and supervised.
Noise level: Lc = 72 dB(A)
This appliance is marked according to the
European directive 2012/19/EU on Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment
This guideline is the frame of a European-
wide validity of return and recycling on
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
After use
Switch off and remove the plug from the socket
before leaving the appliance unattended and
before changing, cleaning or inspecting any parts
of the appliance.
When not in use, the appliance should be stored
in a dry place. Children should not have access
to stored appliances.
Inspection and repairs
Before use, check the appliance for damaged or
defective parts. Check for breakage of parts,
damage to switches and any other conditions
that may affect its operation.
Do not use the appliance if any part is damaged
or defective.
Before use, check the power supply cord for
signs of damage, ageing and wear.
Do not use the appliance if the power supply cord
or mains plug is damaged or defective.
Never attempt to remove or replace any parts
other than those specified in this manual.
Before assembly, make sure that the appliance is
switched off and unplugged.
Choosing beaters, dough hooks or
blending attachment
Use beaters for mixing, beating, whipping and
creaming liquids and mixtures.
Use dough hooks for mixing and kneading
Use blending attachment for blending.
Fitting the beaters or dough kneaders
Switch the appliance off.
Insert the stem of beater into one of the mounting
holes in the motor unit.
Push and turn the beater until in locks into place.
Repeat for the other beater.
Removing the beaters or dough hooks
Switch the appliance off.
Keep the release button depressed.
Pull the beaters or dough hooks out of the motor
To assemble, insert the end of beaters or dough
hooks into the openings. (Fig1)

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