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Read carefully the following operating
instructions.It is suggested that you keep
these instructions in a safe place for future
1. Speed control switch
2. TURBO button
3. Motor unit
4. Release unit
5. Mounting holes for beaters / dough hooks
6. Dough hooks
7. Beaters
Intended use
Your hand mixer has been designed for mixing,
beating, whipping and kneading. This product is
intended for household use only.
Important safeguards
Warning ! When using mains-powered
appliances, basic safety precautions,
including the following, should always
be fallowed to reduce the risk of fire,
electric shock and personal injury.
Read this entire manual carefully
before using the appliance.
The intended use is described in this
manual. The use any accessory or
attachment or the performance of any
operation with this appliance other than
those recommended in this instruction
manual may present a risk of personal
Retain this manual for future reference.
Using your appliance
Do not touch moving parts.
Make sure that the appliance is
switched off before connecting to or
disconnecting from the power supply.
Always take care when using the
Never pull the power supply cord to
disconnect the plug from the socket.
Keep the power supply cord away from
heat, oil and sharp edges.
Do not use the appliance outdoors.
Always protect the motor unit from
water or excessive humidity.
Operate the appliance only with dry
Never detach the beaters, dough hooks
and blending attachment from the main
body while the appliance is still
connected to the power supply. Always
disconnect the unit from power supply
Never clean the beaters, dough hooks
or blending attachment under running
water while they are still connected to
the main body.
Take care that the beaters, dough
hooks and blending attachment do not
touch the power cable while operating
the unit.
If the power supply cord is damaged
during use, disconnect the appliance
from the power supply immediately. Do
not touch the power supply cord before
disconnecting from the power supply .
Disconnect the appliance from the
power supply when not in use, before
fitting or removing parts and before

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