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Do not use steam cleaners or high pressure cleaners to clean
the appliance as this may result in an electric shock.
Means for disconnection must be incorporated in the fixed
wiring in accordance with the wiring rules.
If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the
manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons
in order to avoid a hazard (only for appliances supplied with
connection cord) .
The appliance must not be installed behind a decorative door
in order to avoid overheating.
The appliance is intended for household use.
Do not use it for any other purpose, such
as room heating, drying of pets or other
animals, paper, fabrics, herbs etc. As this may
lead to injury or fire hazard.
The appliance may only be connected to
the power mains by an authorized service
technician or expert. Tampering with the
appliance or nonprofessional repair thereof
may result in risk of severe injury or damage
to the product.
If the power cords of other appliances
located near this appliance are caught in the
oven door, they may be damaged, which
may in turn result in a short circuit. Therefore,
keep the power cords of other appliances at
a safe distance.
Do not line the oven walls with aluminium
foil and do not place baking trays or other
cookware on the oven bottom. Aluminium
foil would prevent air circulation in the oven,
hinder the cooking process, and ruin the
enamel coating.
Oven door become very hot duringoperation.
A third glass is installed for extra protection,
reducing the temperature of the outside
surface (only with some models).
Oven door hinges may be damaged when
under excessive load. Do not place heavy
pans on open oven door and do not lean
against open oven door when cleaning the
oven cavity. Never stand on the open oven
door and do not let children to sit on it.
Do not lift the appliance by holding it by
the door handle.
Appliance operation is safe with and without
tray guides.
Make sure the vents are never covered or
obstructed in any other way.

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Gorenje BOP637E11X Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 52 pagina's

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