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Listed below are, as with all appliances, certain rules to
follow and safeguards to assure top performance from this
1. Always have the glass tray, roller arms, coupling and
roller track in place when operating the oven.
2. Do not use the oven for any reason other than food
preparation, such as for drying clothes, paper, or any
other nonfood items, or for sterilizing purposes.
3. Do not operate the oven when empty. This could
damage the oven.
4. Do not use the oven cavity for any type of storage,
such a papers, cookbooks, etc.
5. Do not cook any food surrounded by a membrane,such
as egg yolks, potatoes, chicken livers, etc without fi rst
being pierced several times with a fork.
6. Do not insert any object into the openings on the
outer case.
7. Do not at any time remove parts from the oven such
as the feet, coupling, screws, etc.
8. Do not cook food directly on the glass tray. Place food
in/on proper cooking utensil before placing in the
Do not use metal pans or dishes with metal handles.
Do not use anything with metal trim.
Do not use paper covered wire twist-ties on plastic
Do not use melamine dishes as they contain a
material which will absorb microwave energy. This
may cause the dishes to crack or char and will slow
down the cooking speed.
Do not use Centura Tableware. The glaze is not
suitable for microwave use. Corelle Livingware
closed handle cups should not be used.
Do not cook in a container with a restricted
opening, such as a pop bottle or sealed oil bottle, as
they may explode if heated in a microwave oven.
Do not use conventional meat or candy
There are the thermometers available specifi cally
for microwave cooking. These may be used.
9. Microwave utensils should be used only in accordance
with manufacturer's instructions.
10. Do not attempt to deep-fry foods in this oven.
11. Please remember that a microwave oven only heats
the liquid in a container rather than the container itself.

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Gorenje BM171E2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 16 pagina's

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